

We continued to eat our meals with small talk here and there. I know that I should've made more of an effort in the conversation, but I don't want to get too comfortable in case Leon gets the wrong idea.

Leon walked ahead with Jayson as we decided to walk along the boulevard. I stepped in line with them both only for Jayson to walk ahead.

/"Avoiding talking to me isn't going to make this trip memorable Lizzy/" Leon said his tone slightly annoyed.

I sighed /"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say/" I admitted to him. In the past we never failed to have something to talk about, I'll admit it was Leon that was doing most of the talking.

/"you do know what to say, I think you're just scared to give me more than you want to. I just want you to give us one more chance that's all I want/" he pleads, there was clear desperation in his voice, and it annoyed me.

It's not that easy.