

/"This is beyond pathetic girls/" Jenny walked into the Lounge sitting in between a very pregnant Haley and Jess.

It had been a whole day since the guys left for Trevor's birthday celebration and to make for time, we all decided to camp out at Leon's big house. Yes, technically its mine too but I just don't feel right saying it just yet.

/"What, the woman is about to go into labour, her nails need to be polished and ready/" Jess said lifting her head from painting Haley's toes a lovely Pink inspired by the gender of the baby.

Jess is obviously exaggerating Haley isn't due for another 2 weeks.

I have to give credit to Haley if I was heavily pregnant and my man decided to go on a guy's trip, I would lose my shit.

We just needed to wait a few more hours until they returned. Jess and I had seen a few pictures of the guys in a club and having drinks and made the right decision on not letting Haley come anywhere near those pictures.