

The bright light coming from our window woke me up. I checked the time and it was just past 8 o'clock which gave me 2 hours until I had my first appointment at the wedding bridal shop. I don't want to wait any longer for us to be married.

Leon was turned over, laying in his stomach with his arm across my chest. I gently lifted his arm up and moved it to the side so that I could start to get ready. As soon as I started moving he started to wake up.

He slowly opened his eyes and met mine. I couldn't contain my mood when I saw his lips turn into a grin.

/"Hey fiancé,/" he said moving closer and fully wrapping his arms around me. I smiled at leon as I traced his jaw with my fingers.

He grabbed my leg throwing it over his waist and pulling me closer so that we were touching. Skin on skin since we were both completely naked. You could say that leon was wearing his birthday suit.