

Leon POV

/"Liz, where are you. You can't use our son for your own needs/" I shouted running up the stairs to find this woman of mine. I absolutely despise going to these events mainly because it's full of gossip-hungry people and the media who don't know when to shut up.

I have tried my bed to stay out of the public eye since all the drama, but Liz seems to think that we need to go, and I guess she's picked tonight seeing as she's probably bribed Jayson with candy to bring me my clothes for tonight.

Try saying no to a 3-year-old I dare you.

I found Liz sitting in her towel drying her hair. If I wasn't so annoyed I would have taken advantage of this situation. Not only am I annoyed that she is, so hell-bent on going out tonight, but I found out two of my employees were sharing private documents to the dark web. Brilliant.