

It was just us two now, all alone. Well that was what I originally through util I heart the little steps of my son. /" come here buddy, speak to your mama/" Leon said. I heard the adorable sound of his voice and the pats on the door separating us.

/" Mama why are you taking so long, grandma said you were crying/" oh for the love of god.

/"I'm not crying baby, I'm just scared/" I admitted out loud for the first time. Unlike what my family actually thinks I am not scared about marrying the man on the opposite side of the door.

What I'm scared for is so much bigger than that.

I moved my hand to my lower belly.

/"scared of what/" Leon's alarming voice interrupted us. I almost laughed at the reaction from him.

Slowly I made the decision to tell him. To let him into my mind because its what he deserves. All night I have been tossing and turning literally because of one little test. A test that Im scared of because I wanted to wait.