

/"Sorry about that, It is too hard to discipline her,/" Daven let out a displeased sigh because of his cousin's impolite etiquettes as he apologized again.

Emaya perceived Daven, who seems like an impartial and humble person, he doesn’t treat Freyah and her mom discourteously due to their status, unlike his spoiled cousin.

He was rather being respectful and deferential to them and Emaya admires him for that as she idolizes the kind-hearted people the most.

/"Aiyo, you don’t have to apologize, my child,/" The maid waved her hand and smiled at him politely.

/"Thanks for being kind, but it's better for my mom, not to work here anymore./" Freyah finally appeared to be calmed down when she looked at Daven.

Her mother opened her mouth but closed it again, not uttering a single word.

/"Okay, and don't worry Freyah, i would not let her be like this./" He assured her, a faint smile appeared on his face.