


While on the other hand, Emaya is trying her best to live her life fully, she always tries to find joy in little things. She feels some kind of relief when she makes others smile.

However, at some points, she thinks it’s not the right way of living.

Emaya placed her arms over the window ledge, gazing outside the window staring at the bright moon in the dark sky that appeared after the thunderstorm and the thick dark clouds went away.

/"Can i really live like this?/" Emaya asked in a low voice, gazing at her childhood friend.

/"Making everyone smile? Give without take?/"

/"Do I really don’t deserve happiness? I am here for others yet there is no one for me?/" She kept staring at the moon, the questions circling around her head but never got a response..

No one can answer her questions, the only one who can possibly answer these questions is herself yet she doesn’t understand herself sometimes.