The next day, all my thoughts about joining the school without a big fuss, vanished to the thin air, as Ramsay drove me there, in his Tesla. Not like people weren't rich here anyways, but Ramsay was an appealing sight (or so I've been told, khm...), which people couldn't really look away from. He put me off, as if we were some high-class magical family, with dirty and dark secrets, and fancy curled hair.
As I exited the car, I felt the need to live up to the image he just painted of us. It seemed easier to lie that than to tell anyone the real situation.
Calmly chatting school-uniformed girls walked everywhere... There were significantly fewer boys I suppose, so I don't know why was the principal so stressed about being obscene... Or maybe there are many lesbians, as there always are in these sorts of places.