Unknown's POV:
I stared at the ceiling for just too long, before I got disturbed. I was bored. I felt it creeping up on my shoulders, knowing I could be doing something fun like, I don't know... Amy.
Oh, yes, my sweet little alley-cat... But no. I was here, waiting for Ms Obvious von Jane, playing with a gun in my hand. I actually didn't plan to use it, I rarely kill anyone so easily. And not Jane, not now that she decided to break our contract. I stole something... so what? The kitten was off the limits, and I told her that at the very beginning. I didn't even have the time to use my little thing since Eric was out for so long... But of course, when shit gets real hard, I have to be the one solving it.
I heard a soft noise, alerting me that Jane is awake finally.