I woke up with a terrible headache, nausea and with other symptoms of a proper hangover. I knew this was going to happen when I opened that found, good-looking bottle of wine, but at the moment I couldn't care less... But now, it was another story. I had a faint memory of watching /"Love and War/" and cringing at the character's actions, but nothing more, as I fell asleep on the couch probably... speaking of which, the couch is actually really comfortable.
As I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the lightness in my room --
Wait... I'm in my room.
I quickly sat up, checking my clothing or any signs of violence against my body, which was more likely than people would think if you live in this house.
Nothing... I found nothing. My pyjamas were perfectly fine, and most of all - on me. I took a deep breath, calming down slowly when suddenly something unexpected entered my sight violently like a dead body would on the sea sight.