


All the students were gathered into the main hall. It was no ordinary day, so it came as no surprise, that even the parents could and had to come in for today.

There are not many kids who can even come close to understanding the concept and the depth of the announcement that was about to come, but that's nothing to be ashamed of since this was an elementary school. Yet, this announcement had to be made, there was no way out of it, such news has to be shared, no matter how unpleasant it might be.

/"Thank you all, who came today. I'm sure, you have all heard the tragedy that struck our school... The loss of Mr Gerose came as a surprise to all of us, and it's still hard to handle, but we found, that it is important for the students, to take part in the grieving./"

The principal started speaking, and he was not interrupted much, or not by something he could hear.