/"Strip down to boxers/" his voice rang in my ears for a good few seconds, before I could actually comprehend what he just ordered me to do. A visible snarl appeared on my lips, as I noticed my hands moving on their own, reaching for my suit.
I bore my eyes into his, but I could not get any answers. He wasn't grinning, or anything, his stare was stern and sharp, the kind that made me want to disappear.
I gathered all my strength, and threw myself into the nearby wall, to somehow stop my hands from obeying his words, and I groaned out in pain from the hit I received from the solid and hard surface.
/"There is nothing you can do dear, try to relax. You'll just exhaust yourself/" he advised in a smooth voice, before stepping to me, and gently turning me away from the wall, so my hands could do the job.