

/"Very funny/" I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the strange occurrences, as I pushed myself away from the mirror, so I could continue my way... I should find whatever my task is, and complete it.

My voice kept echoing around me, getting deeper then higher, repeating my words over and over again, until' it drove me crazy.

/"VeRy fUnNy/" A horrifying, raspy voice giggled behind me, and I spun around so fast I thought my neck will break. My throat tightened at the sight of the oddly shaped creature staring at me with a slightly tilted head. His hands were long, almost reaching the ground, but the thing itself was very tall and illy thin. Its features were sharp, but in the dim lighting I could only make out his scarily distinct jaw and cheekbone. Eyes glowing red, a toothy grin completing the grim sight.