

I couldn't move anymore, so I just hit the ground without any form of defiance, and laid there, observing as blood poured out of my wounds, and my mouth, occasionally making me cough it up violently. As my whole body was trembling from pain, something... something was still odd enough for me to notice it:

While there was little to no part of my being that was not in immense agony, or was undamaged, I began feeling a different type of burning. A strong, vibrating warmth, that both hurt and empowered me, igniting each and every nerve in me... Ironically enough, I never felt so alive in my life, yet in so much pain. My muscles burned as if they were on fire, and they twitched and flinched without my permission, which to an outsider, could have much looked like my last attempt at surviving while choking on my own blood.