WebNovelFighter 59.38%



The rest of the week went by without any drama, thankfully. Everyone has been getting along really well, Jacob actually hangs out with us during most lunches. He told me that Natasha has been grounded though I don't really give a shit what happens to her.

I've spoken with Spencer a lot and every time I do it's slightly awkward though I'm not sure why? It's Spencer’s party tonight but I'm not really in the mood to go so me and Jen are just going to have a movie marathon night.

Jen knows about the party but decided not to go and I'm not complaining.

I'm sitting on the couch going through all the movies Jen brought over to Darron's place. He was going to join us but he said something came up and it was left at that.

Something a person needs to know about Jen is that she loves classic movies, be it animation, drama, horror, you name it. If its old and people loved it, Jen loves and has it.