WebNovelFighter 68.75%



The past couple weeks have flown by so quickly. Me, Jen and the guys have been hanging out every chance we get. Jen came with us the other day to the factory. She was scared at first but then she got drunk and had the time of her life. Though she did try and get in the ring three times yelling the whole time, 'I can take on these dipshits! Let me at me!/" I was laughing the whole time while the guys kept trying to duck from her punches when they kept her from entering the ring.

The training with Darron has been hectic. My whole body hurts just from thinking about the hours of torture, running, lunges, sit ups, push ups and the list goes on and on.

I've tried speaking with mom lately and she's actually becoming the woman I remember. It just took for Caleb to actually yell at her. He told her the truth, everything, about Dennis, and why I stayed there. To say I was pissed when I found out would be an understatement.