WebNovelFighter 81.25%



I've been out of the hospital for two days now and I have to say everything is looking really good between everyone. Me and Elijah are getting along great and catching up a lot. I haven't told him about dad, not like I would but he keeps asking us where he is. Mom keeps telling him that they got a divorce but unfortunately I have a smart brother so he doesn't believe that as the full story.

Jen has really been torturing the guys, serves them right. I think the best thing she made them do is when we had this important assembly at school and she made them stand on their chairs during the principals speech, and scream that they love sniffing guys sweaty gym clothes. Yeah did not end well for them.

After reading that note I got from Dennis everyone instantly noticed something was wrong. Before they could ask though I closed the note and put on my best fake smile.