WebNovelFighter 25.00%



/"Your such an ugly bitch who should just die. No one can love you, your only around to be used by people. That's your only purpose in life!/" snarled the voice that’s haunted me for over two years now.

/"Why did you have to live you could have just died but you wouldn't. Would have been best for everyone if you weren't alive anymore. People would probably throw party's celebrating your death. Because no one cares or loves you and they never will!/" The other voice I've tried to forget snarled.

/"N-no y-you are b-both w-wrong./" I tried to say firmly but it came out as a stutter and a squeak. Before I knew it they had pounced on me but when I saw their faces I saw Dalton and Caleb. Foster was standing next to us.

I screamed then everything was dark.

My eyes opened quickly. I gasped but then whimpered when I felt the excruciating pain in my head. It’s worse than a damn migraine.