WebNovelFighter 31.25%



/"Jen leave them alone they did apologise and I forgave them./" I had just finished telling Jen about the guys and she's losing her shit.

I had to tell her, she is my best friend. But part of me is regretting it now. /"No! Where are those little fuckers I’m going to kill them!/" I rolled my eyes at her and sat down, pulling her with me.

We just ate and talked about our weekend. I didn't tell her about me getting punched. Twice. I knew she would kill me, the guys and Darron. I love that she's so protective of me. Though she takes it to a whole new level.

/"Hey Tori!/" Caleb sang when he sat down next to me. I stiffened when I looked over at Jen. Then what made matters worse is when the other two joined us.

/"Um guys I think you should go. Quickly./" I tried to save them, no one can say I didn't try. /"Why would we-/" Dalton was cut off when Jen jumped over the table and attacked him.