

/"I don't know Sweety. Don't worry, we'll find out okay? I promise./" I say, kissing his nose. He giggles softly and wipes his nose.

/"Dinners ready!/" I hear Izzy yell loudly inside my head. I wince and shake my head. I tell the boys to clean up and go wash they're hands. They do so and run into the house. I walk in and make my way to the kitchen.

/"Need some help?/" I ask Mother. She smiles as points to a bowl of salad.

/"Please take that our Sweetheart./" She says, turning back to the stove. I nod my head and take it to the dinning room. I place it down on the table and see almost everyone seated. The boys take seats between Theo and myself. As everyone finally sits down I notice Adrian’s not here-


Never mind.

/"You're late./" Izzy states as he sits down in an empty chair, which so happen has to be across from me. He looks up and glares at me softly.