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Tears rolling down my cheeks, they found their freedom while I sat here completely trapped. My eyes glued to the screen of the phone as my captor showed me the darkest time of my life.

My assault.

I’m not sure where had got this video from or how he came across it but it was a Chapter of my life that I had kept at bay, forever buried within the deep end of my mind, never to be touched or thought of and yet, he was making me relive everything that had happened to me. The rape. The betrayal of my friends. The losing myself to all of it. I was reliving it all.

/"Do you understand why I’m showing you this Vienna?/"

He asked, breaking me out of my tormenting thoughts as I looked up at him, tears staining my cheeks, he leaned in to wipe them for me.


I shook my head, I really didn’t get it. Why he was torturing me with my past, was this attempt at upsetting me? Breaking me? I didn’t know.