WebNovelTHIRST 32.35%




Putting my fingers to her neck to find a pulse, it was faint and she was loosing blood as my bike mark on her neck was torn due to the fact that she had pulled away mid-feeding.

/"Damn it./"

I groaned out as I brought my wrist to my mouth and bit into it, I watched as my blood began to drip out of my flesh and so I held my wrist against her mouth, holding the back of her neck, I let my blood drip down her throat and watched her eyes come back to life, colour seeping back into he pale face as her eyelids fluttered open and shut before opening again, she watched me in a daze while she tried to catch her breath.

My blood would save her life but it would not completely heal her wounds, it would only heal the torn one that was recent, any old ones would still remain on her skin but I guess the important one was the recent one.