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The moon rode the night before the sun took over, the same process everyday, I’d sleep, wake up, have sex, eat, have sex, Loki would go to work, he’d come back, have sex, eat, sex, shower, sex and repeat. It was on a constant loop and I was slowly becoming drained.

Bored out of my mind, I had nothing to do all day except read, watch movies and clean. I needed the nature, I needed the forest, I missed the sound of the birds chirping within the trees, the wolves howling, the animals, the lake. All of it. I just wanted to get out of here but just as my patience were running low, Loki was slowly changing.

At first, he was nice, gentle, attentive but the more I brought up him taking me back to the forest, the more his aggression was showing, he would become agitated, angry, slam his fists into walls, onto tables, always missing inches away from my face, he was starting to scare me.