


I'd succumbed to the numbness that resided in my mourning heart. I heard what I heard and I knew what I had to know. I was going to be sold. Sold, as in purchased, purchased, as in handed to another man. Another man who was going to ruin me just as bad as Kaleb had. He'd done me wrong, he'd trained me to become a pitiful being. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that one could be so cruel and evil or that one could be so weak and feeble to give into this, for I am that weak and feeble human and he is the evil that feeds off of me.

The pain in my battered body no longer phased me, I had come to learn the pain that I tolerated in my bones, it was a reminder that I was nothing but a broken slave. I'd come to realise that, when I no longer pitied myself for the things done to me. Maybe I deserved to be treat this way, maybe I was made for the abuse, for I had gave into the man who brought this upon my already splintered world.