

One year.

Three sixty six days.

Eight thousand seven hundred and sixty hours and an extra day added.

Which was a calendar leap year that has gone by since I was shot inside an invincible plane held captive in it; the one year that held both fond and bad memories as I stare at myself on the mirror. I went into coma to wake up seeing I have birth twins and I was much longer asleep than I presume. My babies growing stronger and bigger everyday as soon their first steps will be taken. A soft sigh escapes me smacking my lips to fully coat the heart shape dark red lipstick I put on. The last I sat in front of a mirror I was forced to get married to a total demented stranger as images flashes through the windows of my soul of that horrendous day.

Siting here right now feels a whole lot different and better than the last time.

Nervous, giddy, anxious; excited and downright curious about the next step waiting for me.