

She feels horrible; a terrible feeling is steering inside her. She shouldn’t have allowed this to happen, she knows that. But for a brief moment, everything seemed perfect, it seemed okay for her to do something that she will later regret.

But the moment their lips met; Aryan’s eyes flashed before her. She can’t understand why, but she was hoping to meet his lips once more.

She feels shame, thinking that she is gonna break another person’s heart. I guess, she used in being a disappointment for others.

She promptly pushes him away, as the fireworks continue. /"I can’t/" she whispers to him, already feeling what’s coming.

/"Why?/" Yasue is asking bewildered.

/"We just can’t/" she knows she can’t say the truth.

/"What, you don’t like me?/" he is more aggressive on his questions now. Leona just wants to go, leave and run far away from all this.

/"Leona, what is going on?./"