

The blizzard becomes wilder as they get closer to the borders. Aryan thought it would be best for a minimum amount of people to travel with them, thinking of the recent attack they had to counter.

This way they won’t attract any attention and make zero commotion. Word has already gotten out that Leona has reached the north, making it dangerous for her to stay. Still, she hasn’t tried to come in contact with Io, as it was wiser to move as fast as they can, before Asher learns of her whereabouts.

They enter the end game, critical and deadly waters that they need to be careful of.

And as they walk through the heavy snow, Zed’s words linger inside her mind. Always, she thought that she made a sacrifice to save humanity. But seeing all of her choices, she made sure she would benefit from them. And now, she sees the mistakes she made and that there’s no space for more.