

Aryan is panicking. He looks around to find her, but she isn’t here. He is hyperventilating and feels dizzy. Kat notices his reaction and holds him tight, removing him from the battleground before he gets hurt.

/"Hey!,/" she tries to snap him out of this. Quickly, Ren follows to see if he is okay, but looks back at Celestia, worried to leave her alone.

/"Are you okay buddy?,/" Ren leans towards him.

/"No, didn’t you just listen to what she said about Leona?./"

/"I did./"

/"And how come you are so calm?./" Ren pauses, sighing as he knows that he needs to say the truth.

/"You knew,/" Aryan says, realizing his awareness.

/"She wanted to tell you, but she wasn’t sure how to face you. She has told no one,/" Ren tries to lighten it.

/"No! That is bullshit! I’m not gonna allow her to become a Dragon!./"