

Ashley’s POV

The bell finally rang for after school. I got up and pack my text book and pen inside my back. I quickly ran out of the class but before hearing the teacher’s voice.

/"Complete the work I gave you guys. I am checking it tomorrow!/" he shouts. I wasn’t even focused on what he was teaching today. My mind was on Chase. Thinking of any case that I offended him.

But I just don’t know what. I really want to talk to him now. I put my books in the locker except my math book which I have homework for.

I close my locker and turned around to find Michelle with her phone again. A low chuckle left her mouth. Getting irritated about this I grab her phone from her.

/"Hey! Give me back my phone!!/" I started walking fast. I really want her attention now. Even at class she doesn’t listen to anything I tell her. She’s just typing under the table.