

Ashley’s POV

He stops his car in front of an expensive restaurant. I turn to face him.

/"You don’t have to take me to an expensive restaurant. We can go to those normal restaurant not expensive neither cheap./"

/"No way, you are so special to me. You deserve something bigger./"

Ugh what’s with me blushing so much.

/"Don’t open the door./" He said and came out of the car. I looked confused at him as he comes to my side and open. Gesturing his hand for me to come out.

I chuckle /"Thanks./" I said coming out and took his hand that was waiting for me to take. We both make our way to the glass door and went in.

This place is beautiful. The restaurant is filled with red clothes everywhere it’s even used to cover the tables with three red candles at the middle of each tables.

‘’This place is beautiful./" I said.

/"Not as much beautiful as you are./" My cheeks heat up again.