


Ashley's POV

Two years later...

/"Wow Ashley you look beautiful!/" My mom said wiping her tears same as Michelle.

I walked to the mirror in front of me and gasp. Michelle is really good. My make up is perfect. My hair is beautiful. The white long dress fits me perfectly. I look so different. Today is really the day. I am so excited and nervous at the same time.

The day I have being waiting for since childhood, has finally come. I am going to marry the man I truly love.

We all graduated two years ago. Me, Chase, Michelle, Ace, and Mason. We all celebrated that day and went to the club. Chase being Chase didn't let me go dance alone coz /"someone might see my beautiful body and decide to dance with me'. We had so much fun and that's the day Mason also shocked all of us by telling us he brought his girlfriend. We all laughed at him coz we didn't believe that.