

Ashley's POV

After lunch some of us went to watch movie. While other decide to go to their rooms and I was one of them. I passed I and Chase room. I sigh and notice I only entered there twice.

I walk to the guest room that I made my room and got in. Deciding to take a shower and go to Chase's library to look for two or three books to read.

I went to the shower and striped off my cloths before getting in. I smiled when the warm water touched my skin.

After taking my shower. I changed into short shorts and a purple tank top written moody. I walked out of my room not forgetting to close it.

I got in the library and start my search for books. I find one light blue book, I look at the title The fault in our stars. I read that book like three times and I really cried, it's a really painful story. I don't want to read it again. I put it back to where I found it and search for other books.