

Ashley's POV

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since the incident happened and Paige is still the same, doesn't want to breath the same air with Michelle.

Me and Chase are getting closer and closer everyday like we are like magnets that can't be pulled away from each other but when you try, we just quickly get back into each other. I love him then before, I love him than anything on Earth. His my life, I have no idea what I will do without him. I'm sure he feels the same way.

/"Hey amore, what you thinking about?/" He said with a towel wrapped around his abdomen going down and his wet hair

........well it's wet, there is no day he doesn't look handsome or even hot, now I know why Kiara wanted to kill me over him. He just have this features you don't want to run away from.

/"Hello? Amore? Are you there?/" He ask waving his hand on my face.