Ashley's POV
I ran out of his company.
/"Boss lady?/" One of Chase's man’s call. I look at him with a death glare.
/"Leave me alone. Don't even there follow me!/" I shouted at him and the rest at his back looking at me with confusion.
/"But Boss gave us strict instructions to never let you out of my side./" James said.
/"He also told me if you don't listen to me I should fire you. So please leave me if.........you don't want to get fired./" I said the last part lower than a whisper. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. But I'm sure he heard me. He stared at me wide eyed, shocked. I'm sure it’s because I took him like my brother. /"I'm sorry./" I said and ran. Far away as I can from anyone that knows me or Chase.
I already told Paige and Michelle to go home. I'll meet them there. But now I don't think so. My tears start falling uncontrollable. The image of Chase on top of the bitch Chelsey couldn't leave my mind, my eyes.