Chapter 4: My change. (Part 1)

Chapter 4: My change.

Scratch that previous statement… it would turn out someone did notice. Taylor sat next to me as I drove the carriage down the road. After failing to scare me yet again she decided to change tactics and look at me with a knowing smirk,

"The Hero certainly can pull a gaze can't she?"

I kept my eyes on the road but couldn't help feel my muscles twitch, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play coy," Taylor poked me. "If she smiled at me like that even I would blush."

"D-don't you have something better to do?" I asked desperately hoping she would leave me alone.

"The others are just talking about nonsense. Demons this, Empire that, save the Kingdom, blah blah blah. Unlike the two of us, they actually want to be here, right?"

I laughed dryly, "Well I can't say I volunteered for this."

"You can count yourself lucky that you don't have one of these," she pointed to her neck and the slave collar let out an ominous glow. "Still the Hero is one who 'owns' me. It is fun to see her squirm when I mention it."

There was a lull between us as I thought whether or not I should ask what had been on my mind. Taylor was more than fine to just relax in the seat beside me and enjoy the fresh breeze. It had been a few hours since we left and I knew I had many more hours to go. If I wanted to earn their trust the first step was to get to know them.

"Umm Taylor?"

"Yes?" she replied cheerfully.

"How exactly did you get caught?" the question left my lips awkwardly and in return I received a blank stare. I quickly continued, "I mean, you're a Master thief. Even where I live we know of you. I heard about how the Hero caught you but not much else. Of course you don't have to say anything, I was just curious…." My face was beginning to heat up.

"You know," Taylor paused and smiled, "you can be kind of cute as well."

"…." I really didn't know how to reply to that one. Thankfully I didn't have to as Taylor leaned back.

"I was doing as I always did, stealing stuff, making a getaway, enjoying it all." Her smile became oddly serene. "Have you ever stole anything Rain?"

"Can't say I have." It wasn't that I couldn't see why people did it, I just thankfully never had a need to.

"I started when I was a kid. In the slums of the Empire it was everyone for themselves and honestly I thrived there. No one could catch me, and when I got older and bolder, even the city guard couldn't touch me." She laughed, "I didn't even need the money. I was in it for the thrill."

"Are you sure you should be telling me this?" I couldn't help ask as it was starting to become personal.

"It doesn't make a difference does it? We'll be stuck together for a while after all."

"I guess it doesn't," my lips curled up slightly.

"Anyway, I was in the Kingdom and thought I'd try my hand at stealing some royal goodies. It was all going great, well that was until I escaped into the Hero's garden. Low and behold my eyes were taken from me as I saw her standing while bathed in the moonlight. Just like you were before, I was stunned at her beauty. She was so pure." Taylor suddenly laughed causing me to jolt. "Of course that was before the guards screamed 'thief' and then pow! She was in front of me and I couldn't escape. Girl's fast, not as fast as me I'd say but damn can she hone in on you.

"Long story short, I was captured. Instead of being sent to the jail or hung by my neck the Queen gave me a choice, serve the Hero or be sent back to the Empire in chains. I'm sure you can grasp which one I chose."

"So that's really it?" I looked at her surprised.

"What did you expect, a gallant tale of redemption?"

"From you, no." I shrugged, "I just thought there was more to your capture."

She smirked, "You say that to me after you've pissed off the Hero and tried to run."

"Hopefully I'll never get the chance to."

"We'll see about that." The way she worded her reply sent a foreboding chill down my spine. "Anyway, isn't it about time for lunch?"

I looked into the sky and checked the sun's position. It was about one o'clock now. Usually we ate lunch earlier but due to my discussion with Taylor it had pushed on quite a bit. I patted Pina's back and pulled her into a shaded area not too far from the road. It was a nice area and somewhere nearby I could hear the sound of a river. The ground was covered in grass and there was no sign of any larger creatures in the area. The last thing I wanted was to be randomly eaten by a monster.

With the carriage stopped. The Hero and her party exited as I began to get lunch ready. They sat in a circle around a portable table and chairs I had set up for them. Marley kept looking my way expectantly as I cooked but I made no effort to stop the smell of the cooking meat waft towards them. The key to anyone's heart was the stomach. The wise words of the one who taught me how to cook.

In due time I presented the sandwiches to them.

"Thank you," the Hero said to me as I placed the assortment on the table.

"Not a problem," I smiled to her in return.

Marley already had one in her mouth and was reaching for another, "This is so good!"

The Hero chided her, "Marley manners."

Now this was the hard part. Usually I'd make my way back inside to clean up and fluff around with whatever else I needed to do but if I did that, it would end as before, with my head separated from my body. I clenched my fists tightly and approached the table with my own plate.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?" my smile began to waver as they all paused to look at me.

"Don't you have other work to do?" Ronalt replied coldly. Before I could apologise and retreat Ardent smacked him on the shoulder.

"Ronalt don't be such a drag," he moved his chair to make room. "Rain please join us. We'll be travelling together for the foreseeable future, we might as well get to know each other."

"Umm thank you," I sat down beside him. Unfortunately due to his position the Hero was opposite of me and directly in view. Her stare was a little hard to handle.

"No need to thank me," Ardent smiled. "By the way these sandwiches are incredible, the pickles especially. Just where did you learn to cook so well?"

The Hero nodded, "This is just as good as the food from the palace."

"It's way better than the temple's that's for sure," Marley agreed happily in between chewing.

Their straight forward praise was causing me to smile almost giddily, "Well one of my foster parents was our town's inn keeper. He used to be a chef in the capital." Earnest's expression began to cramp and on reflex I poured him a glass of water before continuing. "He taught me everything he knew."

"Wait did you say 'foster'?" the Hero looked at me surprised.

I nodded, "You could say I was an orphan."

"I'm sorry."

Seeing her dejected expression I quickly shook my head, "No it's nothing to be sorry about. Instead of having one parent, the entire town pretty much raised me. I wasn't neglected at all."

"Oh, is that how it was," her frown flipped. "Must have been nice. I had a friend like that actually."

"Hey, hey!" Marley pushed forwards. "Can I get some more?"

"Of course," I served her without pause. While I was eating with them, I was still their attendant and I knew my place. Ronalt's incessant glare made sure of that. Still, lunch was nicer than before.