Chapter 6: My kidnapping. (Part 2)

When we exited the forest Ronalt immediately hounded for me.

"You're la-. Who is this?" he gestured to the women cowering behind me. I couldn't blame her apprehension. Although Ronalt had a handsome face whenever he looked at me it was usually intimidating.

"She was being chased by bandits and I helped her," I answered dryly and straight to the point.

For a moment he looked between us in suspicion and the poor women flinched in fear. The least he could do was let up on the glaring. His gaze softened as the Hero came closer.

"You're hurt," gently she held out her hand to the women. "What's your name? It's okay, don't be scared you're safe now."

"Faith," the women answered timidly.

"Faith come with me," the Hero took her hand. "Marley she needs treatment."

"On it!" Marley saluted her in reply. I didn't miss her eyes lock onto the bundle of herbs tied to my waist.

I boiled some water and made the women, Faith, something to calm her. She was still frightful but the Hero and Ardent were doing a good job keeping her company. Finally as she relaxed she began to explain.

"It happened three days ago. My friends and I were travelling through here. People told us not to but we thought together we'd be able to handle anything…. The bandits came for us during the night." Her hands began to shake and the Hero placed hers on top letting out an encouraging smile. She continued, "There were eight of us… the bandits came so fast we couldn't even defend ourselves and before I knew it I was tied up in some cave. They… they killed Patrick." Her eyes began to water and tears came soon after but she pushed onwards. "Please I managed to escape but my friends are still in there. You need to save them! I can't handle knowing what they might be doing to them."

Earnest held his sword tightly against his waist, "How did you escape?"

"Huh? Ah…," her expression stiffened. "Those two men that chased me. They wanted me for themselves and… I managed to push them away but…." Her eyes clenched unable to finish her sentence. Finally she looked at me, "If you hadn't been nearby Goddess knows what they would have done to me."

I frowned. The biggest reason why was what happened to her. It was terrible and something needed to be done. The other reason was because this just put me at so much more risk. Let's go take on another group of bandits! Yay…. Damn it.

Suddenly Faith dropped her mug and the contents spilled to the dirt, "S-sorry, I'll clean it up."

"No it's fine," the Hero stopped her. "You're tired. You can rest in our carriage. We promise to save your friends so take it easy."

"Thank you," she let out a teary smile and let the Hero guide her away. For a moment the rest of us said nothing as we all contemplated the situation.

"Ronalt what do you think?" Ardent asked him.

He frowned, "This is a problem…. We don't know how many bandits there are or really how powerful they may be."

"We can't do nothing!" it was Marley who shouted. Since Faith's story she had been oddly stiff and her sudden outburst caught everyone by surprise. "Even if you say no those bandits need to be put down." The grip on her hammer tightened as her violent side was pricked.

"I didn't say we'd do nothing." Ronaly continued determined, "This is something we can't ignore. We may have our own mission but I refuse to watch my people in pain. We'll do as Lara has promised and remove the bandits."

"But where are they and where did they even come from?" Ardent gazed towards the forest.

I raised my hand, "Judging from where I found Faith they can't be far. As to where they're from, I think they have been a splinter group from the bandits we faced in Wester."

"What makes you think that?" Ronalt asked dubiously.

"I overheard some talk before we left Wester. The guards thought the bandits' numbers didn't add up from the reports in the North."

Taylor nodded, "I heard the same. Though just as easily they may be a new group we haven't heard of."

The Hero returned, "She's resting now. I gave her some new clothes to wear as well. All she needs now is some sleep. As for us," she turned to Ronalt, "we'll leave as soon as possible." I was surprised at her tone. She wasn't giving Ronalt the chance to argue any different.

"Of course Lara," he nodded in reply. "Ardent, Taylor did you sense any of them nearby?" They both shook their heads. "Good, that means Rain wasn't followed. They shouldn't be able to follow your tracks. Ardent prepare a barrier to hide the carriage from sight. Rain stay here and-,"

"I'll stay as well," Taylor interrupted. Ronalt was about to complain but she continued, "Someone needs to. It's not like you're going to leave Rain here in case something happens. He's just about useless in a fight." I couldn't argue with that. "Besides with Ardent you shouldn't have a problem finding the bandits. You and the Hero are definitely going. Marley will need to do emergency treatment and I wouldn't trust Earnest to stand guard, he'll fall asleep. The five of you together can handle anything anyway."

Her explanation left no room for Ronalt to say no so he just stiffly nodded.

"If it's decided, Rain point us the right way," the Hero switched her gaze to me. There was a fire in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. Anger, determination and the desire to make things right.

"Y-yes," I quickly explained the route.

"Look after Faith," the Hero smiled as I finished. "Also look after yourselves too."

"Of course," Taylor gave her a cheeky thumbs up and together we watched them enter the forest.

A few minutes passed and Taylor checked up on Faith who was sleeping soundly. I occupied myself by preparing the herbs I found for Marley. All I could hope for was that the Hero made it back safely. I sighed out loud thinking about how this would change our route to Greytree. We'd probably head to the nearest town North of here instead to care for the captives. With all this change I had to wonder if we'd see the Monster or not. Although a part of me knew there was no chance we wouldn't.

Taylor sat next to me as I stored away the herbs. She smiled sweetly.

"So is there a real reason why you wanted to stay?" I asked.

Her eyes locked onto mine, "If I said it was to protect you?"

"I'd know it's a bare faced lie," I shut her down completely.

"Ouch," she laughed. "They don't need me. I'm fast and sneaky but in a straight up fight I'm nothing compared to them."

"Even Marley?"

"Have you seen her swing a hammer?" she looked at me seriously. The thought of the girl covered in blood with a scary grin entered my mind.

"I see your point."

I absentmindedly completed the other tasks I had piled up and soon half an hour passed easily. There was no sign of danger but a mask of clouds had covered the sky blocking away the warming light. Taylor was seemingly sleeping beneath a nearby tree when she suddenly perked up and dashed towards me.

"Get down!" her scream registered just in time as I ducked and the bolt from a crossbow split into the tree beside me.

"The heck!" I yelled on reflex and ran to the carriage as from the trees five men burst out from the forest. Taylor moved to block their path with her dagger in hand. How the hell did they even find us here? Ardent should have set up a barrier.

The sound of grunting and metal colliding together entered my ears form the other side of the carriage. I needed my bow but it was resting on the earth right near where the bandits and Taylor were fighting. I took a deep breath and jumped out. Taylor was having a hard time as the five men had become eight. She couldn't land a solid hit without taking one herself. Pina squawked to alert me and moved to join onto the carriage. It was a good idea. The men didn't have horses and we could get away without losing too much.

I quickly tied Pina in place as another bolt shot towards me but missed as Taylor interfered.

"Taylor let's go!" I called to her and she nodded. The bandits however had other plans and jumped her at once. Suddenly her body seemed to vanish as my eyes lost track of her. It was a strange feeling as I knew where she was but at the same time couldn't spot her. The bandits as well were spooked as Taylor emerged away from them but not after nicking their bodies with her knives. For someone who said she wasn't as strong in a fight she was doing incredibly well. If she didn't have to protect the carriage and Faith she probably would have zero trouble at all.

With an elegant kick and jump she pushed away a bandit who had come too close and landed on the roof of the carriage. My hands held the reigns but just as I was about to get Pina moving the carriage door burst open.

Faith popped out wide eyed, "What's going on!?"

"Damn it!" I reacted as Taylor ducked to dodge a crossbow bolt. "Get inside now!" I moved to shove Faith to safety but as soon as my feet touched the ground suddenly a knife was pointed at my throat.

"W-what the hell is this?" my voice quivered as the world froze. Faith held a knife to my throat, the same one I used to cut meat. Well this explained how the bandits found us.

"Surprise," she smiled coldly and looked at Taylor. "You up there drop your knives." Taylor hesitated as her eyes became cold. "Do it or I'll slit his throat."

Well this is how I die. Taylor could easily get away from all this. She no longer had to protect Faith and the others could find the carriage later. Like she had said the previous night. If she needed to she'd let me die if it helped herself. I couldn't help but smile self loathingly. Next time I'd be sure to shoot an arrow between Faith's eyes, if that really was her real name.

"Fine." The sound of metal clinking onto the carriage roof surprised me. Taylor raised her hands in defeat. The heck was she doing? Did she not know what would happen to her if she gave herself up? I could see it the bandit's eyes. With the way Taylor dressed and how pretty she was, there was no way she would get out of this unscathed. I could see some of them licking their lips in anticipation.

"You made the right choice, now come down here," Faith's earlier acting was nowhere to be seen and instead a smug grin had plastered onto her face.

I whistled. Pina jerked her head to me and with a slight nod she legged it away together with the carriage and Taylor on top of it in tow. Her eyes met mine. There was a mix of emotions I couldn't quite tell but it was only for a second before they were gone from sight.

"Damn it!" Faith screamed and for a moment looked like she would really stab me. The bandits who had tried to go after the carriage failed miserably and some had even fallen over.

"Sorry boss," one of them looked at Faith dumbly.

She spat, "No matter we got this one and he'll make a good hostage at least."

"I must say, you're a pretty good actor," I stared at her and the knife still at my throat. My nerves were already shot but after so many life and death scenarios I could surprisingly still move.

"Did I fool you," she let out an annoying smirk. "Don't worry you're not the first and you won't be a last. Though I must admit the story I told was true, though who was who changed a little."

I grit my teeth, "Well aren't you just a vile women."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Come on boys take him away," she let down the knife as the other men surrounded me.

"W-wait a second. I'll stay quiet so please don't-," my words were no use as a sudden pain erupted against my head and the world faded to black.