Chapter 12: My Nightmare (Part 1)

Chapter 12: My Nightmare

I opened my eyes to see the midday sun shine through the window. My body was sprawled out on the bed comfortably. I had over slept. After last night I guess I needed it. Dinner had been an effort to get ready in time and afterwards I ended up not only teaching Taylor to cook but also Lara. To say the least their abilities were similar. Count in I was still recovering from my drinking, the result was me now.

A loud knock resounded through the door, "Rain may I have a word?" It was Ardent and considering what day it was I knew what he wanted.

I opened the door not bothering to clean myself up, "Good mor- afternoon."

He raised his brow, "You look well rested."

"Thank you," I yawned.

"I was wondering if you could join me on an excursion today. It won't take too long and we'll be back by tonight." His eyes were shining, "You see I heard of an interesting oasis nearby that might just-."

I rose my hand cutting him off. If he got started on this it could take a long time before he stopped. "Sorry Ardent not today. I have some things planned."

"Oh… umm… that's okay," his expression turned downcast and suddenly I felt I was looking at a dejected puppy.

"No well today isn't possible but tomorrow I could probably make some time." It was a lie. If everything went as I thought it would, as I knew it would, then we wouldn't have the time.

"Really? Then we shall!" he smiled cheerfully. "You see I heard tale of an oasis that…," and on he went as I nodded my head listening to his vivid and excited explanation. Still, it was nicer to see him like this than the serious Ardent I saw during the invasion.

By the time he left my stomach was grumbling for food. I got changed and headed downstairs. Luckily the person I wanted to talk to was in the dining room. I approached him immediately.

"Ronalt good afternoon. May I sit here?"

"Of course Rain," he gestured to the seat.

I got straight to the point, "Have you heard anything from the fortress commander?"

"Nothing substantial. If anything he told me that there has been a lack of sightings within the border. Perhaps it is as you said and the demons are pulling back to establish a new defence line."

I hid my frown, "I see…." That definitely wasn't the case.

As I ate lunch with Ronalt I thought about the situation seriously. The border forest was a quarter hour ride away from Greytree at a brisk pace. To the North East was another smaller forest that extended away from the border but aside from that Greytree was surrounded by plains and some small hills. Visibility would be clear. If what Ronalt had spoken of was true and the scouts had seen nothing of interest, it was no wonder why the commander was calm. Even if they were blindsided and the demons rushed from the border forest with an army it would take at least ten or so minutes for them to reach Greytree. For a trained fortress town that was plenty of time to sound the alarm and close the gates but there had been almost no sign of a siege when Ardent, Earnest and I came to the town. Looking back on it further I hadn't seen any form of mount in the demon army, no birds, horses or whatever else they used. With the amount of soldiers they had marching would have taken far longer which just made it more confusing as to how Greytree was overwhelmed. They may have used a new weapon but I didn't see any sign of it. If they had used magic on the scale needed to transport them Ardent would have sensed it. It was a mystery.

"Rain is something on your mind?" Ronalt asked breaking me from my thoughts. "You're playing with your food."

"Ah sorry," I had subconsciously drew a map of Greytree's surrounding area.

"Well I understand if you're still worried. In fact I'll be paying a visit to the commander now. I'll be sure to contact you if anything happens."

"Please do and thank you," I bowed my head.

"Till later."

"Yes, till later," I stared at the improvised map of peas and mashed potato I had made. I thought the sudden invasion had been suspicious but tossed it on the Greytree's commander being careless. From discussions with Ronalt however it didn't seem like he was. There was something I was missing and I needed to find it or else I really would be repeating this week again.


"What are we doing?" Taylor asked as she jogged besides me. "You don't think the demons are really going to attack us are they?"

"I believe it wholeheartedly," I replied and moved around her. It was the late afternoon and we were making our way north away from the Greytree. On my back I had my bow and a small bag to hold my potions. I was expecting to use them.

"Then why ask me to come with you?" she easily matched my pace.

"You weren't busy," I said simply.

She looked at me and pouted, "No other reason?"

"Well you're also pretty handy to have around," I answered honestly but if we were being 100% truthful I would have rather to have Ardent or Lara. Not that Taylor was bad, it was just like me she couldn't use much magic.

"Haha you got that right," she poked my side.

I flexed outwards and began to slow down checking my watch, "Okay stop."

"Already?" Taylor looked around. "Umm I'm not sure about you but all I see are plains and a few hills. Are you sure you're not still drunk?"

"Can we not talk about that?" I sighed. I know Lara hadn't meant it and only told them out of concern but now it was their easy way to tease me.

"But I'd really like to know more about it," she leaned closer towards me. "Just what expressions do you make when you're not holding back?"

"And you're too close," I pushed her back lightly.

We were five minutes away from Greytree going at a jogs pace. That was the limit I had set. Somewhere in this area the demons had to be hiding or planning something. Any more than five minutes and it would be far too risky for them to march at Greytree without them closing the gates. It would be different if they had siege weapons but not only had I not seen any before, they were hard to move and easy to be spotted due to their size. Even the most incompetent commander could see them coming.

"So what are we looking for?" Taylor walked around me with her hand above her eyes.

I looked around as well, "A tunnel I think."

"A tunnel?" she stood back and laughed.

"Don't laugh, it's possible." It was the only explanation I could think of that would get them this close. Using magic it wouldn't be impossible just difficult. If the demons were desperate enough they could do it despite the risks of a cave in. With the Monster no longer lurking in the border forest there was little to stop them putting in the effort as Greytree's guards hardly passed the first few hundred metres of trees.

"Fine I'll take this seriously," she shrugged and was about to move away but I reached for her arm.

My hand gripped around her skin, "Stay close to me."

"Are you scared?" she teased while acting smug.

I answered seriously, "And if I am?"

My gaze got through to her and she nodded, "Sorry. I'll stay close by. If you're this serious then I really should be as well."

"If I'm right I just don't want either of us to be taken by surprise," I let go of her arm. The demons wouldn't be stupid enough not to have a hidden scout on the surface to guard their exit point. So close to their invasion time a missing person or two wouldn't cause too much of a problem compared to the risk of being found entirely.

I led Taylor around the plains while looking at a map I had bought in town. We were checking a nearby hill when Taylor tilted her head.

"That's strange…."

"What is it?" I asked but could see nothing.

"I'm getting a weird feeling like I'm being watched."

"Are you sure?"

"Like I said the other night, I can sense people. It's an innate thing I learned over the years."

"And what exactly do you feel?"

"I'm not sure, it's hazy…!" In a sudden rush she grabbed me and jumped into the ground covering me. "We're not alone!"

I spotted the assailant just as they fired. Taylor gripped me tighter and turned away from the incoming crossbow bolt as it narrowly missed again.

"Get up!" she pulled me off the ground and drew her knives facing what looked like a mound of grass. The mound however moved as did several near it. They had hidden themselves completely into the ground. I heard the click of the crossbow. The bolt flew, Taylor knocked it from the air.

"Run!" I commanded. "We need to get back to Greytree."

"On i-," she tried to turn to follow me but her body suddenly stiffened. It was only then that I noticed the graze on her shoulder. She had been shot when she protected me.

"Shit!" I caught her body before she could hit the ground. The mounds of dirt and grass ran closer, glints of steel reflecting in the dying sunlight. I couldn't fire my bow while holding Taylor.

"Go," Taylor groaned trying to push me away. "I'm done."

"No! I'd rather die." Seriously I'd rather die. If Taylor died here and this whole situation was somehow wrapped up then she would be gone for good. I hefted her in my arms and began to run.

"Heh," she smirked and looked at me but that was all.

The moving mounds were close enough that I could make out the details of their armour. I was right, they were the same as the ones from that night. Demons. Four of them. One leaped towards me. I jumped out of the way as the dagger cut the edges of my coat.

"Sorry Taylor," I grunted and threw her away drawing my sword. It was a stock standard sword I had borrowed from the carriage but right now it was the best I had. All my training came to this moment. The past few days I had suffered through, just how many seconds would they buy me?

A blade approached me in a sudden thrust. I parried it upwards and kicked the demon away. Something whipped out from behind it and pulled my leg forwards throwing my balance. I cut at it wildly only for the demon to groan. A pointed tail fell to the ground. I barely had time to celebrate as another knife descended towards me. In a panic I barely stopped his arm as the knife laid an inch from my neck. I reacted and swung with my free hand. Sparks flew as the sword grated against his metal armour barely wounding him.

"Die!" someone screamed behind me. He would have struck me but as soon as I heard his voice for a split second I activated my mana. He hesitated and that moment was all I needed. Twisting my body I threw the demon I held as he flinched from his wound. The two collided. I heard a click and snap. Pain burst from my stomach as a bolt went straight through. Blood leaked to the ground. I screamed turning back to see the demon load another. With nothing else I threw my sword at it. The demon panicked as the sword flew true and broke into his crossbow. It was just enough time for me to take out my bow and fire. The arrow snapped into its head and with a sudden slump the demon fell. The other demons were beginning to rise again. I scrambled in my bag pulling out a potion as they approached. I poured the contents into my mouth and on the hole gaping through my stomach. Thankfully it didn't seem poisoned. The reaction was quick and the wound began to heal but not fast enough for them not to reach me.

I threw my bag at them. The demon leading them cut through it only for them all to jump back as it fizzled and a fire burst around them. The potions inside crushed together causing a reaction of flames. My wound healed and I scrambled to pick up Taylor. Her skin was deathly pale and her eyes were curled together wincing through the pain. It was a good sign, she was alive.

The demons began to scream at each other as the flames spread. Apparently I was no longer important. Greytree was in sight and I ran there with all my might checking behind me in case another bolt came my way. It was at that moment when the ground burst open. Chunks of soil flew into the sky and from beneath the cloud of dirt and dust, dozens, hundreds of soldiers rose from the earth. They had been waiting there the entire time.

A loud bell began to bellow across the fields as the sight was easily captured by the scouts on lookout on top Greytree's walls. Had it been the middle of the night they might have hesitated but now in the evening sun there was nowhere to hide. I pushed myself on faster and faster as the demons chased behind me. It wasn't them I was racing however but the gates closing in front of me. The only thing waiting for me would be death if I didn't make the other side.

"Wait!" I screamed at the top of my lungs reaching the main road. Only a few hundred metres left. "Stop!"

The portcullis began to lower. Its thick steel rods blocking the way but still showing the salvation behind it. Would I make it in time? My legs were beginning to ache and my stomach hadn't fully healed. For each step I ran I fumbled others. Then as I touched the stone pavement marking the town's entrance the gate fully closed.

"No! Help! Please! I'm Human!" I yelled to the guards but they stood firm ignoring me and anxiously staring at the army instead. I turned to see the wave of armour and steel march forward like a stampede. The demons were as desperate as I was. Their plan had been ruined and for it I'd be crushed against the stone walls together with Taylor.

I sighed in defeat and looked down at Taylor in my arms barely responding, "I'm sorry. I'll try harder next time I promise. Next time I won't let you die with me." I brushed back her hair. When she was like this she really did like a normal person, sleeping without a care. Yes she was cold and pale and it pained me to see her like this but nonetheless looking at her right now oddly calmed my heart. The ground rumbled form the march of the hundreds of soldiers. Gently I placed Taylor down and began to draw my bow. Let's see just how many I could take with me.

A flash of light and a sudden gust of wind blew past, forcing me to cover my eyes. Standing before me as if facing the entire army by herself, her white flowed in the orange light of setting sun.

"Lar-," I began but she cut me off.

"Grab Taylor!" she jumped towards me as I pulled Taylor into my arms. In the next moment she had us both and we were in the air sailing over Greytree's wall. We hadn't even landed yet when I heard the order.

"Fire!" a rain of arrows and magic flew from the wall and collided into the mass below as they also began to fire in return. Screams of desperation wrought through the air from both sides.

We landed in the streets. My heart was pounding from the sudden change but I quickly snapped myself into action. I still had a job to do.

"Lara get us to the apothecary now!" I yelled as she was just about to put us down.

"Right!" she nodded vigorously and kicked off the ground sending dust flying through the street. The whole town had been ushered into a lockdown as the Kingdom's army poured from the fortress to help defend the outer walls. For a brief moment I saw Ronalt and Ardent rushing in the opposite directions to the south and north. All the while Lara carried me as I held Taylor. In hardly any time at all she traversed half the town, skidding to a halt in front of the familiar building. She set us down and I ran inside.

Mala widened his eyes at the sight of us, "What are-," seeing Taylor in my arms he became serious. "This way."

I followed him to the back where he quickly cleared a table throwing the bits and pieces to the floor. I placed Taylor on top the table checking for her pulse, there was a slight reply. She was breathing though barely.

"Get me every antidote you have premade and every ingredient used in one," I didn't even look at Mala but heard him rush off.

"Is she going to-,"

"Not now I need to concentrate," I cut Lara off. My focus was on Taylor's upper arm where the bolt had cut through. Her skin around the wound was fine and there was no sign of poison spreading through her system. Regardless I did as I was taught and clamped my mouth over the cut sucking the blood into my mouth. The taste of her blood mixed inside me as I tried to analyse what type of poison it was. My tongue went numb. I spat out the blood immediately just as Mala made it back inside. Frantically I searched for the antidote I needed before the effects could take me as well. I found the vial and drained it completely. The numb feeling in my tongue vanished.

I wiped my mouth, "She'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." Lara nodded in the corner as Mala watched. I knew how to save her and walked to her side. She was still breathing but I knew every second it would become harder for her till she stopped entirely. The antidote I used was an on the spot treatment. There was no time to make a proper antidote for her now, she was too far gone. It was a paralysing poison designed to halt the body's function, specifically targeted the respiratory system. The effective time was three hours which meant I just had to be Taylor's lungs for that long. Easy.

"Lara go help outside, they need you more than we do."

"But-," she hesitated.

"Like I told you, she'll be fine. Now go… please." Lara was everyone's Hero not just mine. They needed her.

"Okay," she nodded and took a deep breath, "I'm off."

"Good luck," I watched her leave and stood over Taylor. Taylor's chest wasn't budging at all. Still now that the air inside her had stopped flowing. I leaned over her, "Sorry if you hate this," and with that I began CPR. I counted out in my head as I pushed down on her chest compressing it. 28… 29… 30… I placed my lips over hers and breathed out then once more, I began my count again.

My mind relaxed into silence as I repeatedly did the task focusing on the details again and again. It was strange. An hour passed and Taylor showed no signs of change. A second hour came by and still she remained. As the third hour came to a close my arms and chest were aching, sore from doing the same task over and over but I refused to stop. I couldn't stop knowing she'd die. I had to wonder what was happening outside. The apothecary was in the middle of town far from the battle but even then I had blocked out the noise long ago. Had we won? Did Ronalt and Lara beat away the demons? Or were they still fighting till the last man?

A twitch. For a moment Taylor's eye shook. Then her arm jerked followed by her leg. I stepped away as she began to cough painfully. Her eyes opened fully and a small breath flowed through her lungs.

"My chest… my chest hurts," she weakly bent her body to look at me.

I laughed in relief, "Sorry I might have broken your ribs." No I definitely did with how many times I compressed her chest.

"You- jerk," she winced then smiled. "Thanks."

"You saved me first," I wiped my eyes, my hands and arms shaking as I did so.

"Were you crying?" she tried to smirk but could only pull off half the smile.

I ignored her and pushed a vial towards her lips, "Drink this. You'll feel better soon."

"You're not going to feed me mouth to mouth?"

"I did more than just that," I pressed the vial on her lips till she drank it.

"Haha… just can't keep your hands off me can you?" she laughed tiredly.

"Just go to sleep," I sighed and leant against the wall.

"Yeah that- that sounds good," she closed her eyes peacefully and I watched as her chest rose and fell like it should. I smiled. See everyone? I did something good. I saved her life. So when I get back, praise me. I slid down the wall and fell asleep dreaming of home and the friends I'd bring with me to visit.