Chapter 20: Our Voyage

Chapter 18: Our Voyage

The previous night was forgotten. I relayed what happened to Ronalt and he agreed to keep it a secret. A lesson had been learnt however. The seven of us were in foreign lands and no matter how good our disguises or the people we met seemed to be, the difference in our race could end it all. A deep rooted hate and distrust that would take decades to unfold. Even if Lara wanted to, even for her as the Hero, she couldn't untie centuries worth of conflict. As for the man, maybe one day I'd tell her the truth….

By the time we all woke up we were almost late and arrived at the docks just in time to board. It was a small sized trading vessel. Pina was kept above deck in a shelter she shared with several other paradise moas. Our carriage was stored below along with the other cargo. While we wouldn't be using it, Ardent placed a lock just in case. The captain and the crew were from the armed tribe and similar to Gola had four arms each. It made them incredibly deft working the boat.

The Captain, a large man, gripped Ronalt's hand in a four armed shake, "A pleasure to meet you sir of the horned tribe. Do not worry, your party will be well looked after on my ship."

"Ah yes, we'll be in your care," Ronalt returned the man's shake. If it had been me I'm afraid he might have fractured something with how vigorous their actions were.

"We have two rooms for you to use and as we travel feel free to wander the ship. However if you find a locked door please keep it that way," he led us around the ship and introduced us to the crew. It was a well-kept ship and looked comfortable enough for the week journey. "I'm not sure if the office in Tona told you but we will be making a stop at the port town of Reese on the way to Citlia. Just picking up some more cargo and selling others. Once we arrive you're welcome to explore the town as long as you're back before we leave."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Ronalt replied. "Is there anything you require of us?"

"My crew and I should be fine," he smiled and rubbed his hands. "It's quite a long journey but I'm sure you'll find something to do to pass the time."

The ship set sail not long after the introduction and we moved down the river. So began a peaceful few days. The boat was in constant motion and being in the middle of a river protected us from any denizens of the night. Whenever an interesting sight came around the Captain would call us on deck and give a brief history lesson. It was like we were tourists on a leisurely trip. Surprisingly none of us had trouble with the rocking water. I at least thought that Ardent would be sick for the first day.

There wasn't much to do on the boat but like the Captain had said we found ways to pass the time. I helped around the boat learning from the sailors. It was a good opportunity to learn how to work a boat, something I had never done before. Other than that, as the crew didn't have a dedicated chef I took on the role. Ronalt and Ardent took to fishing off the side of the boat, occasionally catching something. Earnest did as he usually did, swinging his sword and sleeping otherwise. He was banned from any rigorous work outs in case he broke the ship. Marley was the most bored out of all of us and spent her time moping on deck or playing cards with Lara. Taylor relaxed, occasionally followed me around and at times even joined Ronalt fishing. Lara was the only one who didn't like fishing, not being able to handle the fishes and especially the part where I gutted them. Other than that she was happy doing whatever and said it reminded of a cruise she once took.

Two days passed like nothing. We didn't pass many other ships and a peaceful lull had entered our hearts. It was currently night, the sun had set but the crew were still taking it in turn to make sure the ship flowed down the current. While it wasn't as advanced as some of the boats I had heard about, several spells had been inlaid into the wood to prevent it steering into the banks and helped it avoid anything dangerous.

I yawned and looked down from my position on the raised bridge. One of the four armed sailors was leisurely sitting on the deck and another stood beside me steering the ship. The door leading below deck opened and to my surprise Marley walked out. She staggered on to the deck as if drunk. I moved down to greet her only to find out she was actually sleep walking.

"Memmm," she mumbled and moved about with half closed eyes. It was the first time I had seen her like this. I wasn't sure if I should try wake her up or not. Just as I was about to the door opened again and Lara walked out.

She yawned, "Hey Rain, you're not sleeping?" Her arms pulled the nightgown around her. A soft pink, it suited her innocent features giving her a sense of delicateness. It wasn't just me whose attention was caught as the two sailors on duty flicked their eyes over.

"Ronalt likes if one of us keeps an eye out," I replied normally. No matter how safe we felt there was no harm in a little insurance. "Also the breeze feels amazing."

"Yeah it does," she smiled brightly. The tiredness in her eyes only made her cuter. My heart beat in my chest harder but the memory of what had happened in Tona quickly stilled it.

"You here for Marley?" I asked and gestured to where she was walking around the mast in circles. "Has she always sleep walked?"

Lara nodded and laughed, "Yep every few days. We usually keep the door locked but she managed to pry it somehow." In other words she broke it…. "You didn't try wake her up did you?"

"No… should I not?"

"She gets cranky if you do. It's better to just let her slump away. She'll settle down in a few minutes." My picture of Marley cranky was her swinging a large hammer at me while moping. I doubt she would heal me after that one.

"Noted," I nodded. "I wonder what she's dreaming about."

Lara's expression saddened, "I hear her mumble about her parents sometimes."

"And considering she's a priest of the Goddess she's probably an orphan, right?"

Lara nodded, "Marley doesn't talk about it much."

"I wouldn't want to either," I said understandingly. I was lucky and picked up by Axel but if they didn't raise me I would probably have been passed to the Church of the Goddess as well. From what I knew they were very caring people but they weren't your dad and mum. They had dozens of children to care for after all.

"Well at least she seems happy." That she did as she hugged the mast and laughed. Though at the same time, to me she seemed lonely. As if whatever the mast was could disappear at any moment.

I decided to change the topic, "How about you? Any family?"

"Well in my world yes," Lara smiled but half-heartedly. "One father, one mother and relatives on both side. I was pretty much normal. If I hadn't been summoned here I would have never known just how strong I could be." She reached out and with little more than a thought a bright fire lit up in her hand. "If my friends could see me now they'd flip."

"You mean the friend that I reminded you of?" I referred to a conversation that seemed so long ago, but on a night not unlike this one.

She stared at me blankly and slowly nodded, "Yes… sorry I just... I'm finding it really hard to remember him." A touch of fear trailed into her voice.

"You okay?" I asked concerned. Magic was complex and summoning even more so. Her memories could be slowly deteriorating.

"I'm fine… I think," she smiled but forcefully. "I can remember everything else pretty well."

"You're sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Hmmm," I had my doubts. There had to be something I could do for her. I wracked my brain for any draughts or potions that might help. Suddenly she laughed, leaving me baffled. "What?"

"No it's just, that face," she pointed directly at me rudely. "I remember my friend… he was always looking out for me and that face you made, it just didn't suit you."

"Thank you for laughing at my concern," I frowned, a little hurt. "Next time the feeling comes over I'll be sure to curb it."

"No no," she was still giggling. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just you usually look so business like and calm. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I was simply surprised." She managed to stifle the rest of her laughter.

I sighed, "So are you okay or not?"

"Like I said, I'm fine," she did a small curtsy showing off.

There was a soft thud as Marley folded to the wooden deck fully asleep. Her light breaths were calm showing no sign of her sleep walking.

"You should probably take her back to bed," I said.

"Yeah, it's pretty chilly," Lara moved towards her. Then suddenly without warning after a single step she turned to the side of the ship with wide eyes. "Something's coming!" her voice yelled across the deck.

"What?" the sailor steering the ship peered into the water confused. On cue it rose from the murky river. Kraken. An octopus like monster of enormous proportions. Its tentacles spread across the boat as it latched on rocking it like a child's toy. I had heard about them before but never in a river. Usually they stayed in deeper waters and even then, while they surfaced they were usually surprisingly timid. This one however was obviously not as it released a blubbered shriek.

The sailors immediately tried to steer away but it was far too late. A bright light shot forwards and Lara punched its fat head causing it to reel backwards revealing a sharp beak like mouth. The sound of a bell echoed repeatedly as another sailor beat the alarm in panic.

"Damn it!" I cursed and wobbled barely able to stand straight from the shaking deck. Pina and the other birds that had been sleeping in the corner rose in panic. The Kraken's tentacles tightened around the ship breaking through the wooden railings trying to reach the more important sections. Lara held it off but without her sword she was unable to pierce the monsters thick skin. The sound of a cannon fired, surprising me as the trade vessel didn't have anything of the sort. I realised where it came from soon after as the wooden planks making the hull cracked apart from a thick iron ball ploughing through it. With the distraction of the Kraken no one had noticed the other vessel pull into the river from a side channel. Pirates.

The Captain stormed out of his cabin, "What on bloody water is going on here?" There wasn't much to say as someone yelled 'We're under attack!'

"Lara!" I called out to her in warning as another canon fired. The metal ball overshot the hull but instead carried towards the deck. Lara looked up just in time for it to crash into her driving her off the ship and into the water. I couldn't believe what I had just seen.

"By Bluebeard," the Captain cursed. "Ready the barrier we'll blow them off and ignite the emergency engine."

"Yes Captain!" the sailors who had now all come on deck immediately set to work. The Kraken would have none of it and reached to attack them. Seconds Later Ronalt burst through the door with his shield blocking the tentacles and cutting chunks off with his sword.

"Rain get under cover!" he yelled towards me. I knew what he was saying. Right now I was near useless. My bow was in the carriage but even if I did have it, the Kraken's skin was thick and the pirates too far.

"Lara went overboard!" I screamed back. "A cannon hit her."

Ronalt continued to fend off the Kraken undeterred, "She'll be fine. Just get to safety and if you see Ardent tell him to get up here!"

I meant to do as he said but as I ran to get below deck I realised what we had all forgotten. Marley. My eyes scanned the tilted deck only to find she was nowhere in sight. I jumped to the railing and looked into the water. There a few dozen metres back was the floating body of the somehow still sleeping girl. A protective glow surrounded her keeping her above the water but I knew it wouldn't last forever. I turned back to see Ardent step outside and made the decision. They'd be fine, it was Marley who needed help. I had never asked if she could swim. With that I jumped into the water.

It was cold and the current pushed me back from reaching her. Still, I had spent many years swimming near Axel and through trained movements managed to reach her.

"Marley!" I slapped her and she gurgled awake as the protective charm dissipated. Her eyes met mine realising what situation she was in and as any normal person would do, she began to panic. "Hold on, it's fine."

"Where am I?" she screamed and struggled between pushing me away and holding on for dear life.

"You fell," I held her tight. "Hang on, we're going to shore." There was no telling what else was in these water and the thought made a chill crawl up my spine.

At that moment a ripple of green light spread from the ship. The Kraken screeched and blubbered as it was forcefully shocked from the boat. The pirates had come closer but the back of the ship suddenly lurched and a large red flame kicked out.

"Oh no…," I sighed while treading water as the ship launched forwards far faster than I had seen it move before. If it wasn't bad enough that we were being left behind, the water around us began to churn as the waves generated by its boost assaulted us. It was hard enough to keep afloat as the waves forced us down. Marley held on to me tightly as the undercurrent dragged us. If we could just hold out I could swim us to safety. Then as we tumbled a sharp pain stabbed into my head and darkness took me.