Chapter 26: My Demon Lord (Part 2)

To my surprise I slept well. Okay, it wasn't surprising. We all slept well but it was not in a small part due to the concoction I fed them last night. A small drug to encourage sleep. As it was for their benefit they took it willingly… or at least mostly.

Before the sun's rays even broke the horizon I rose from the cover of my sheets alone. The room I had spent the past week in now felt quite familiar and like my daily ritual before I picked up my knife. Standing beside the bed I raised the blade to my temple and with a swift movement faded away only to return again. I had to wonder how many more times I would see this scene.

With trepid steps I climbed down the stairs. Ronalt was already waiting.

"Good morning Rain," he greeted me with his usual stern gaze. I realised now that I had grown quite fond of it. Despite its intimidating aspects there was a care beneath the surface that was quite loving.

"Good morning Ronalt," I smiled my own greeting. "How are you feeling?"

"Thanks to you, fresh," he stretched his arms, revealing the thick muscle beneath his clothing. His expression softened and he breathed out heavily, "Rain, do you believe we'll succeed?"

"I have no doubt," I replied immediately with confidence.

Ronalt looked down at me in amazement, "How can you say that?"

"Because we have to and I know as long as you're here, you'll make sure we do." I meant those words.

He laughed, "Strange… although I didn't expect you out of all of us to say that, hearing it has brought me peace of mind."

"Glad to be of help."

His large hand pressed down on my shoulder, "And thank you Rain. You have been a true friend to me these past weeks. Once this is over, if you ever need me, call and I shall be there."

"I'll call you but it won't be anything serious. I've enjoyed our drinking sessions and your reading selection is as entertaining as always."

He smiled genuinely, "Then come by the Kingdom Capital and I shall show you so much more."

"I look forward to it."

We stood together and waited for the others to arrive. It didn't take long and within minutes the carriage was ready, taking us all through the vacant streets. In the mornings like now, just as the son rose the Demon Capital was most quiet. The denizens of night faded away and the people had not yet woken from slumber. It was a time I liked to look outside the inn's window. The disparity of liveliness gave a haunting atmosphere and as the sun rose, life bloomed back like vines quickly reaching through the streets. By the time we reached the forest however, not much had changed and all was still silent.

In a small clearing out of view from the city's tall buildings, Ardent had prepared his magic. I looked over the circuit with interest. Since saving Taylor's life I had been able to understand the intricacies of their structure and could truly appreciate Ardent's knowledge. Now however wasn't the time to admire it as one by one I handed out everyone's equipment, clean, polished and ready for a heavy beating.

It had been a while since they wore their full set of armour and weapons. Even Taylor who was on the lighter side had a capability flowing from her.

She caught my eyes and smirked, "Looking is free and for you so is touching. Mind giving me a hand?" She was the last one to pick up her things and now alone, she provocatively showed her back to me, the clasping on her clothes and armour still undone.

"You're more than capable of doing it yourself," I sighed but helped her anyway.

"Hey Rain… stop." Halfway done she suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned. Her voice was wavering.

"Take it off."


"I said take it off!" she turned and faced me. Her eyes were determined and glossy from the tears building up. It didn't stop me from flicking her in the forehead. She reeled back, "Hey!"

"I'm not going to strip you out of nowhere," I patted her head. "Use your words Taylor."

"I-I'm serious. As strong as Lara and the others are, one of us is probably going to die and if it's me or you… I don't want to have any regrets."

I couldn't help laugh a little, "So sleeping with me is going to fix that? Because I'm going to have more than just regrets about that if you die."

Her expression tightened. Despite all she had been through, this girl really didn't have the emotional support of a proper adult. It saddened me but only spurred me to want to protect her more. "I'm just…, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"It's fine," I pulled her into a tight embrace. "Instead of regret, think about it like something to look forward to when all this is over okay? I promise you we'll all make it out of here alive."

"Like you could promise all that," she laughed and hugged me back.

"You'd be surprised just what I'm capable of." We parted and I smiled, "Now go on and finish this yourself. I still have my own things to prepare."

"Are you sure you want to come with us?"

"If I stay here I'd probably end up dead from anxiety."

Her eyes met mine seriously, "No matter what happens, don't die."

I could only smile wryly in reply.

As Taylor left I began to sort my kit. A heavy and thick box with plenty of padding it held dozens of potions and a belt with similar compartments for quicker access. Powders, explosives, arrows, my bow and sword. This time I was going in completely prepared.

"Jane," Lara called out to me and I turned around.

"I thought I said to call me Rain," I sighed.

"Sorry," she apologised without meaning it. "I just wanted to talk a little. Ardent said he'll take another half hour to finish up so we have time."

"Are you sure you're ready?"

She nodded strongly, "No matter what… I'm ready for what I have to do."

"Good," I patted her head and went back to sorting my utensils naturally.

Lara stayed by my side, "You love her don't you?"

There wasn't any need to ask who she was talking about, "Probably."

"That's just like you to not say yes," she laughed. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do," I replied and pushed her a little. "Why the hell do you think I'm in this world to begin with?"

"Right… but you don't love me like you love her."

"Lara where is this going?" I looked at her curiously.

"It's nothing… just some past regrets now I think about it." She stepped away, "Don't worry I'll make sure you're happy."

"Right back at you," I smirked. "I've looked after you this long and I plan to keep doing so."

"Yep," her lips widened into a stunning smile. "I'm going to calm myself down a little more."

"Go ahead," I waved her goodbye and finished my preparations.

I wondered over to Pina and set up some feed and water for her. She chirped happily and rubbed her head into my body.

"It's okay girl, we'll make it back in one piece, just wait for us," I rubbed into her feathers once more and entered the carriage. Marley was sitting inside filtering through the cupboards. She spotted me quickly.

"Rain you wouldn't happen to have snacks I can take with us do you?" she really did have her own priorities.

I pointed, "Top shelf. I dried some meat and made some crisps. They should keep you going."

"You're the best!" she grabbed the bundles greedily and shoved them into her bag. "I'm going to miss not having you around."

"Hey, you're not planning to kill me off are you?"

"Don't worry I'll heal you before that happens," she grinned.

"You be careful yourself. Take these," I handed her some potions. "Just in case.

"What do they taste like?" she asked as she took them.


"Ugh," she shook her head. "Thanks anyway."

I smiled and moved past her into the other room. My hand held my usual knife. Just how many times had this thing killed me? It should be alright to do it just one more time. If anything went wrong this place was a good point to return to. More than that, I couldn't go through those conversations again. They were hard enough as it was. With that thought I stabbed myself and hit the floor only to appear standing. It was too late to change my mind now.

Marley was still in the kitchen packing her bag and mostly ignored me as I exited the carriage. Earnest was swinging his sword with a serious expression, honing his skills for the final battle. Ardent was checking over his work. Ronalt stood alone his sword and shield beside him. Lara sat in a chair sipping some tea. Finally my eyes caught Taylor in a tree above swinging her legs freely. She noticed me and smiled. I was ready.