Author's Notes: The End

Hey all, HMP Dharma here.

Thanks for making it all the way to the end. I really do hope you enjoyed the story. My goal has always been to become a full time writer and everyone who reads and shares my stories puts me a bit closer to that goal.

I really enjoyed writing A Hero With/Out Time. It was one of those stories that the characters felt like they were progressing the story themselves. Especially Taylor. She wasn't meant to be a big part of the story in my initial plan but her charisma wormed her way to playing a match larger role. One day I may go back and write some side stories or extra content but for now I'll be working on my next piece of work.

If you did enjoy the story, please check out my other novel that is already completed and on my profile. "Is it okay to be a Hero as well as the Demon Lord?" The title really does some sum up the main premise. It's a fun and mostly light-hearted read.

As always feedback is welcome and I do enjoy reading comments.

All the best wherever you are, whether it be in life or elsewhere.

HMP Dharma