An Interesting Development

Ryder made his way to Ozpin's office and thought about various things that could be the reason behind his summoning. Ideally it's something Salem related or Ironwood managed to create a Dragon Radar. Those are the two things that come to mind and it's the things he's sticking with. He enters the elevator and heads up the tower. As he waits, he begins to think about his Magic. He wonders what else he can do with it. He can Fly but he wonders if he can do more. He knows he can, but he's curious how much he can do. How powerful he'll become. What kind of limits he'll shatter. He's getting excited at the thought of what he can do. He's far from that helpless boy he was back on Earth. He's grown and gotten stronger since then. He's attained freaking Anime powers and it's insane to think about. This kind of stuff is fiction and not supposed to be real. But here he is, living it. He hears a ding signaling he's reached Ozpin's office. 

The doors slide open, and he walks into the room. Ryder takes immediate notice of the people in the room. Ozpin who is at his desk, Ironwood and Glynda who stand beside Ozpin's desk, Kairos who stood beside Glynda and a new figure. Someone he hasn't seen but they look familiar. As he walks towards them, he gets a better look at this new guy. He recognizes him from a photo in the Rose-Xiao Long house. He then remembers a name that was used in tangent with the photo. Qrow Branwen. From what he's heard, Ruby and Yang adore him. Qrow is the uncle of both Ruby and Yang. He's never met Qrow before, so meeting him now is interesting. But he can focus on that later, he stops walking towards the group as he reaches Ozpin's desk. 

"You wanted to see me?" Ryder asked. 

Ozpin nods before looking at Qrow. 

"Qrow, if you would." Ozpin said. 

Qrow reveals what he held in his hand to Ryder who turned to face him. Ryder's eyes widen as he sees what it is. It's the Two Star Dragon Ball. Another Dragon Ball! 

"Do you know what that is?" Ryder asks Qrow. 

Qrow shrugs his shoulders. 

"Oz never told me. Ironwood flipped out though, so I imagine it's important." Qrow said casually. 

"Yeah, I'd say it's pretty important." Ryder said. 

"So, what is it?" Qrow asks. 

"it's called a Dragon Ball. There's seven of them in total. Once collected, they summon a great dragon named Shenron who will in turn grant you any wish of your desire. As long as it's within his power." Ryder explains. 

Qrow raised a skeptical brow. He looked at Ozpin and the others silently asking if it was true. 

"Don't worry Qrow. It's true." Ozpin confirmed. 

"And these things are just, lying around? Waiting to be found by anyone?" Qrow asks, gesturing to the orb in his hand. 

"Not for long, as with this." Ironwood said as he pulls out a device. "We will be able to tack them all down before anyone else does." 

Ryder looked at the device and noticed it looked identical to the Dragon Radar from Dragon Ball. He thinks it's convenient. Ironwood's words did little to quell Qrow's concerns. 

"Even if we have that fancy device, it won't exactly stop our enemies from finding them." Qrow argues. 

"Which is why we must remain vigilant. The Dragon Balls pose a great opportunity and a great threat to us. If they were to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell catastrophe for the world as we know it. Ryder and Kairos are doing all they can to prepare for the inevitable confrontation with our foes and we must do our part as well. Finding all Seven Dragon Balls has now become a priority we cannot ignore." Ozpin explains. 

"What about finding our so-called Guardian as you put it." Kairos asks. 

"I believe I already have a candidate in mind to become our newest Fall Maiden." Ozpin said. 

"What happened to the last one?" Ryder asks. 

"She was attacked by Salem's people, and to make matters worse they're here in Vale. With the Festival going on, I'd imagine it would be pretty difficult to locate the Fall Maiden, but it could also be a good opportunity for them." Qrow explained. 

"If she was attacked, where is she now?" Ryder asks. 

"She's being kept in a... stable condition within the vault's floor." Glynda answered. 

"Stable condition?" Ryder asks. 

"She's not exactly in fighting shape." Qrow answered. 

Ryder gazes downward as he processes this. The stakes are clear and based on what Qrow said. Some kind of attack from Salem's forces could be imminent. That doesn't sit well with him. 

"Okay, who's the candidate?" Ryder asks. 

"I will reveal that in time. Right now, you must hone in on your magical abilities." Ozpin said. 

Qrow was caught off guard by the mention of magic and looked at Ryder. Qrow then looked at Ozpin. 

"Wait, he can use Magic?" Qrow asks. 

"Yes." Ozpin confirms. 

"And an Evolutionary Semblance?" Qrow asks. 

Ozpin nods. Ryder looked back and forth between Qrow and Ozpin. Ozpin must've told Qrow about him before he arrived which is fine. Qrow was shocked to hear this news. Someone with an Evolutionary Semblance AND Magic exists. It shocks him even more to learn that someone else besides the Maidens can use Magic. Qrow sighed and grabbed his flask. 

"This certainly changes things." Qrow said before taking a drink from his flask. "So, how far has he come in magic?" 

"At the moment he can merely Fly. But with further training he can establish a better hold on his magic and gain further abilities. I've been training him in one on one to help him control his newfound strength." Ozpin explains. 

Qrow looks at Ryder. 

"Hope you realize this is good and bad." Qrow said. 

"How so?" Ryder asks. 

"If Salem finds out someone else can use Magic, who knows what she'll do." Qrow said. 

"That is why I haven't exactly televised this development. We must maintain this secrecy for as long as it benefits us in this conflict." Ozpin said. 

Ryder now realizes that things are going to be kicking into high gear. With two Dragon Balls in their possession and a possible attack coming, things are about to get heated. Ryder looks at Qrow. 

"Mind if I have the Dragon Ball. I have the other one in my possession." Ryder asked. 

"Sure." Qrow said with a shrug of his shoulders before it tossed it over to Ryder. 

Ryder catches the Dragon Ball and looks at it. A smile came to his face. Two down, five to go.