All Falls Down

Ryder was in the amphitheater alone as he was experimenting with his Magic. He formed a magic orb and flung it around him. The orb danced around his body majestically showing Ryder's focus and concentration on his magic. A battle at the Tournament is currently going on but Ryder wanted to stay in Beacon incase Yang needed him. Speaking of which, he actually doesn't know if she's still in Beacon or not. He honestly didn't check. But as he's training, he fails to hear his scroll go off, so he continues to practice with the magic orb. Once he's done, he makes the orb vanish as he smiled with satisfaction. He's getting stronger and he can feel it. Suddenly, Ryder heard alarms. He looked around before he ran towards the door. He burst open the doors and rushed outside where he heard the sirens coming from the city. He also saw Flying Grimm around the airspace. His eyes widened. 

He heard something running towards him, so he looked towards it and saw Kairos rushing towards him. 

"Kairos, what's going on?" Ryder asks. 

"You're telling me you didn't hear that speech over the broadcast?" Kairos asks. 

"What speech?" Ryder said. 

Kairos growled a little but knocked it off. 

"Not important. We need to get to the city." Kairos said. 

"What about the colosseum?" Ryder asks. 

"Everyone else is there, the civilians there will be fine." Kairos said. 

Ryder hesitated but nods. The two ran for the landing pad before Ryder leaps into the air and starts flying towards the city thanks to his magic. Kairos smirks and coats his body in the violet energy he can manipulate and then blasts off after Ryder. He catches up with Ryder who is surprised that he's flying. 

"Since when could you fly?" Ryder asks. 

"Didn't want to let you keep air superiority." Kairos said with a grin. 

"Still being competitive?" Ryder said. "Well, can't say I'm surprised." 

The two flew towards the city and landed within the streets. Once they landed, they saw a Grimm Warden terrorizing a few Atlas Soldiers. Kairos creates a violet energy barrier between the Soldiers and the Warden which brings the Grimm's attention to Kairos. The Soldiers look at Kairos and Ryder. 

"Get out of here, we'll handle the Grimm." Ryder said. 

The Soldiers didn't even hesitate to start running. Kairos watched them off before scoffing. 

"Cowards." Kairos comments. 

Team RK stood before the Warden that just stood there looking pissed. The Grimm doesn't press an attack and just stands there. 

"Odd. Figured it would've attacked by now." Ryder said. 

"Let's just kill it and move on to the rest of the city." Kairos said. 

Kairos was about to attack but the Warden flapped its wings and flew away. Ryder and Kairos looked at each other in a confused fashion before they heard something land behind them. They turn around and see the Greater Warden. Its larger size and intimidating armor gave it a commanding presence. The Greater Warden had its two sets of wings out as it growled at them. 

"What is this?" Kairos asks. 

"Some kind of Warden. But bigger." Ryder replied. 

Two more Normal Warden's land beside the Greater Warden. Seeing this, Ryder and Kairos get into their fighting stances. The two Normal Warden's let out a screeching roar towards the two humans. The Greater Warden just stood there. The Normal Warden's look up to the Greater Warden, almost like awaiting orders. The Greater Warden then points at Kairos who hardens his glare. The two Normal Warden's growl before they both charge Kairos. Ryder activates his Semblance and rushes forward to cut them off but the Greater Warden moved quickly and almost shockingly fast and sent a fist forward. Ryder ducked and slid under the punch before bouncing up and landing on his feet as he turned around to face the Greater Warden. The two normal Warden's pass him and rush to Kairos who backs up before leaping over the two Warden's. 

Kairos lands behind them and then lets out a shockwave of violet energy aimed at the Wardens which launches them a distance away. Kairos then charges them. Ryder sees this and knows he has to get the Greater Warden away from Kairos, so he isn't overwhelmed. He knows Kairos can handle two Warden's, at least he hopes so. Ryder then rockets into the sky with his magic. The Greater Warden saw this, so it flapped its wings and took flight to chase him down. Ryder flew at high speeds to make a good distance between him and Kairos. He looked behind him and didn't see the Greater Warden. He stops flying and looks around. He then looked up and saw the Greater Warden flying down at him at high speeds with a fist at the ready. 

Ryder shields himself with his arms as the Greater Warden drives its fist forward. The Grimm's fist makes contact with Ryder and launches Ryder down at the street below. Ryder hits the ground and bounces off it before he flips around and lands on his feet. The Greater Warden crashes down onto the road and cracks it. The Greater Warden growled as it glared at Ryder. Ryder chambers Lightning dust into his gauntlets and prepares to fight. 


Author's Note: The Final Battle of this Arc has begun!