Reg's Slight Arrogance

"What do you think, Jasmine?" After explaining to everyone what he thought of, he told Jasmine a small plan.

Jasmine thought a little, then said. "I can do it."

"Good," A smirk appeared on Reg's face. He couldn't wait to find out more of this stuff.

Julie, who was listening to all their conversation the entire time, became a little surprised at how Reg thinks. 'He seems to be having fun playing and toying with his opponents.'

Central Arena.

Today, it was packed with hundreds and thousands of people because today was the final, and they were also able to witness who was the best in their town.

"Who do you think has the highest chance of being the number one?"

"I think it will be Noal from the IceFire Clan."

"Patriarch Brustiar's eldest son is also doing great; he has a great chance too."

"No, I believe it will be Jack. He was able to come this far without any support. I think he will sweep all these prodigies."