To Watch The Real Monster

Unlike Elder Thunder, whom many here had trouble recognizing, everyone instantly got who this woman was.

"The matriarch is here!" The girls from IceFire Clan rushed at Julie, who had just descended before them.

Julie looked at the girls before her and said calmly."You should go to the clan quickly; there is a serious war going on."

"You girls should too." Turning toward the others, she said coldly.

The word "war" brought everyone panic on their faces. They wanted to question many things about it to Julie but they couldn't as they didn't have the courage to do so.

So, they quickly ran away to the town to see with their own eyes what was happening and go to their loved ones eventually.

However, there was only one left, and that was Zoon. She came before Julie and asked with courage. "Can I ask you what happened earlier?"