Chapter 3 Set a Trap

"Okay. right now I need someone to set up beast traps at several points outside the village, do you want to do it? if you manage to set up all the traps I asked for I will give you 50 dollars. how about it?"

"Setting traps outside the village?" I said in a surprised tone.

"Yes, setting traps outside the village, do you still want to take this job?"

I also thought that leaving the village, not as a warrior was quite a dangerous thing even if it was just around the village. But if I don't take this job I don't know when I'll be able to get another job." I thought deeply.

"All right, I'll take the job."

"Okay. All you have to do is set 5 traps. The locations where you have to set the traps have been marked on this map. What you have to pay attention to are these points, those are the places where you have to set the traps that I have given you." Uncle spoke as he took out the traps and showed the dots on the map.

"When you're done setting the traps, you can meet me back at this shop, and I'll give you the money here." the uncle said with a smile.

"Well, after I finish setting these traps I will immediately return to this shop and report to you uncle." I took the traps and the map from the uncle.

I quickly exited the shop and walked towards the exit of the village. when I arrived at the exit of the village.

"Stop! Where are you going, kid? This is no place for a kid like you. You should go back to your house and not come near this exit again." said one of the village exit guards.

"I apologize in advance, I need to leave the village because I have something to do," I said to the guard.

"Necessity? What necessity requires a child like you to leave the village?" the guard asked.

"I was asked by someone to set some traps outside the village, and if I managed to set all the traps and return safely I would be rewarded with some dollars," I replied.

"hemp... setting beast traps? you went outside the village to set beast traps. don't you know that outside the village is a very dangerous place? even though there aren't many strong beasts currently roaming around the village, that doesn't mean that a kid like you can go outside the village as you please." the guard said while warning me of the dangers outside the village.

"I know that outside the village is a dangerous place, but I really need this job to pay for my daily living expenses and to support my training to get into the warrior academy." I replied, "Even though my life may be in danger I have to finish this job."

Seeing myself insisting on leaving the village to semi-finance my life, the village guard finally melted "Okay, you can go out but I don't want to be responsible if something happens to you, right? I warned you." The guard finally let me walk out of the village.

I nodded my head and said, "Thank you, guardian uncle."

"Return safely." said the gatekeeper.

"Oke," I said.

I finally got out of this village, this is the first time I went out of the village by myself, previously my parents had taken me out of the village several times to look around the village. but because my parents are not warriors, we can only walk about 5 km from the village.

The air outside the village feels cooler than inside the village. and the plants that grow outside the village are bigger than inside the village. according to the shopkeeper where I buy food the fruits and vegetables that grow outside the village are better than those that grow inside the village. therefore if there are fruits or vegetables from outside the village the price will be much more expensive.

But that doesn't mean that the plants outside the village can all be eaten, because sometimes there are some beasts that come from plants. usually they are in dense forests and rarely do humans enter into it. So that the plants around the village do not have the form of beasts.

After I enjoyed the scenery and air outside the village. I took out the map my uncle gave me and saw the closest point to my current location. After that I went to the nearest point, my closest point is currently about 1 km from the village gate.

After I walked for about 10 minutes, I arrived at the first trap location. I began to set the trap.

Click click check "first trap installed successfully. it's time to go to the second location of trap installation." after finishing setting the first trap I went to the second trap installation. the distance between the location of the second trap is about 500 meters from the location of the first trap.

likewise with the third, fourth, and fifth points each 500 meters away. luckily my trap installation went smoothly no beasts appeared around me this time. after I finished setting up the five traps. I immediately returned to the village so that unwanted things would not happen.

because my current distance from the village is only about 3 km, I returned to the village by running, because now my stamina has reached 5.2 km, and running 3 km is not difficult for me.

A few moments later the village gate came into view. I also met the village gatekeeper who had warned me earlier. "It's good that you're back safely boy." said the gatekeeper. "Yeah, I was lucky that there weren't any beasts to be seen while I was setting the trap," I answered while taking a deep breath.

"Good, don't do dangerous work often brat." the gatekeeper's uncle warned me. "Okay uncle, if there is a job that is not dangerous I will prefer that job," I said.

After talking briefly with the gatekeeper I went back to the shop uncle who gave me this job to collect my wages.