Chapter 6 Slash Lvl 1

"What text is this? Why is this text appearing before my eyes? and what does mean learning skill in progress 1/100? Is it possible that if I manage to change the number 1 to 100 I will get the Slash skill? let's try to fill in that number." I continued my work.

I continued cutting the wood that was split in half earlier and cut it into 4 pieces. but when I cut those parts the writing in my head didn't appear. "Hemp... was it just my imagination? Yes, maybe hahaha."

I picked up the next piece of wood in the woodpile. And do it as I did before. Clack...


"Huh? It appeared again, and the number increased from 1 to 2. It seems I have to meet a special condition to make the number increase." I thought for a moment about why this happened.

First, I did it as Uncle did, the number increased when I cut the wood intact and large. Why only large wood? because I swung my ax with all my might. and when I cut smaller wood I use less force, so my skill doesn't increase and the number doesn't change.

In conclusion, I have to do it properly and use the appropriate strength. "Okay, I can't wait to see what will happen when that number gets to 100. Time to continue chopping wood." I continued to cut the wood.

I realized that chopping wood was draining my energy. by the time I had cut 10 logs, I was drenched in sweat and very tired. so I took a short break for about 10 minutes before continuing to cut the wood.

I continued the work of cutting the wood by cutting 10 pieces of wood, then taking a 10 minute break and repeating it. And finally when I've been chopping wood for about 3 hours and cutting the 100th wood, the notification that I've been waiting for appears.


"I got a new skill"

"Slash ?"

"This, this... what is this ?" something pop up in my eyes and that said I got a skill. This is the first time I'm hearing about this in my life. How could this happen to me?

"I think, I must ask the uncle, maybe he knows what's going on with me," After that, I went to see uncle and ask what really happened to me.

"Uncle, uncle," I called an uncle who was closing his eyes. "Oh, quickly you finish your work boy," Uncle answered and opened his eyes.

"No, I haven't finished my work yet," I answer. "Then? Why are you here? Do you want to give up on your job because it's too hard for you?"

"No, it's not that uncle," I answer. "Oh, then what?" Uncle asked me. "While I was chopping wood, I suddenly got a notification that I had gotten a skill uncle."

"Hemp... what did you say a skill ?" uncle ask me. "Yes, skill uncle, I got a new skill when I cut your wood with an axe" I answered.

"Are you kidding me kid?" Uncle asked with a face of disbelief. "No uncle, I'm serious. The skill name is Slash."

"Yeah, there is a skill in this world, but you can get the skill when you become a warrior and learn techniques from books or taught by someone," Uncle said.

"What is your skill name again ?"

"Slash,"I said.

"And I never heard a skill with just a very simple name, it's just an activity when you wield something and swing it. Sorry kid, I don't know too, but I think it's good for you if the skill is really real". Uncle said.

"Why don't you try cutting the wood again, let us see is there a difference when you cut the wood before and after you got this skill," Uncle said.

"Oke, let's try," I said.

We both went to the back of the shop where to chop wood. When I got there I took wood from the pile. And took the ax stuck in the wood. Then I swing it as I did before.


"How is it, boy? Do you feel anything different from before you get the skill?" uncle said.

"No, I don't feel any different from before," I said.

"Hemp... When warrior uses their skill, they thought it in their minds and use it, so you try to think in your mind the name of your skill and do it" Uncle said.

"Oke, I will try it". I said. After that 'I thought in my mind the name of the skill and do it' 'Slash' and I swing the axe toward the wood. When I swung my axe it felt like smoke was coming out of my body then the smoke flowed to the ax I was holding and I felt that my swing was lighter and stronger than before.


'This...' Uncle spoke with a face of disbelief. "How are you feeling kid?"

"Yeah, I feel something different, my axe swings a little faster and stronger than before, the wood feels softer than before," I said.

"So it's really a skill, Although is not a strong skill, it's still a skill. You're really lucky boy can get a skill with just swinging the axe." Uncle said.

"So it's really a skill uncle? and I have skills that only warriors have? wow... I getting closer to becoming a warrior. Hahaha," I said.

"Good luck with that kid," Uncle said.

"Thank you, uncle," I said.

"Hey don't forget to finish your job, or I will not pay you remember," Uncle said.

"All right, I know. I'll finish it before the afternoon" I said.

"Good," Uncle said.

'To think that boy can just get the skill of swinging an axe? He must get a blessing from god. I hope that kid can be a great warrior.' Uncle said with a smile on his face.