Chapter 8 Level Up

"There are three ways to become strong. First, you have to practice every second you have. Second, eat the meat of the beast. And the third And the third is fighting and killing beast." Uncle said. "You need to fight and kill the Beast to get stronger?" I said. "Yes, That's why warriors get stronger and stronger than ordinary people, because they can kill beasts and absorb some of the beast's power into their own," Uncle said.

"I will always do the first, but the second and third are out of my reach. I can't afford the meat of a beast and I can't fight a monster yet because I'm so weak right now." I said. "Damn, how can I become strong if I can't eat beast meat and kill them. is it hopeless for me to enter the academy?" I spoke in a worried tone.

"Hehe, calm down kid, that's why today I will give you the meat of the beast," Uncle said.

"Really? you will give me the meat of beast uncle?" I said with disbelief.

"Of course, but you must help me with something, do you want it?" Uncle said.

"Okay, what do you need from me ?" I said.

"Simple, you must do everything I ask you to do, do you want to do it ?" the uncle said.

Hem... I was thinking 'a meat of monster per 1 kg is 500 dollars, I can't afford it, but if what the uncle say is the truth then I must get meat beast and get stronger to enter the warrior academy through the genius path, so I don't need to pay 1.000 dollars a month' hem...

"Okay, I want it. I will help you with anything uncle," I said.

"hohoho, good good. All right, come with me, I will give you some meat of the beast." Uncle and I go to the kitchen in the store.

When we got to the kitchen I saw on the table there were two plates with a pile of cooked meat on them. I also smelled a delicious aroma coming from the meat. Without realizing it, my saliva was coming out of my mouth.

"Hahaha, Calm down kid, this is maybe your first meat of beast kid, but I think this is not the last for you, I hope you like it because I can't cook you know, hahaha," Uncle said with laugh when he sees my face.

"Is this real uncle ?" I spoke while wiping the drool from my mouth.

"Yeah, why I would lie to you kid. Go eat it." Uncle said.

"Thank you, uncle." After getting permission from uncle, I start eating it with a happy face.

"This meat taste is very delicious uncle. This is the first time I eat the meat of a beast in my life." I said with a mouth full of meat.

"Of course, that's why people like to hunt a beast, besides eliminating the threat to the village, the meat of a beast is also very delicious and full of nutrition, that's why I said eating the meat of a beast can make you stronger," Uncle spoke while eating his meat.

"Num num num, now I'm feeling very motivated to become a warrior as soon as possible," I spoke with fiery eyes.

"Hahaha, good, let us finish our meal first, so you can go home soon because it's getting late," Uncle said to me.

"Okay, nyum nyum..." After a few minutes, I finished my food.

"Hah... I'm full, the meat of the beast is very delicious," I said.


'What is this, I got experience from eating and free attribute point. What is that ?' I confused.

For now, let's say .


Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: None.

Level: 2 (0/10)

HP: 30/30

Energy: 5/15

Str: 4

Agi: 5

Vit: 4

Free attribute point: 1

"Wow, I can see my attribute in the form of a number. This is cool." I said with a happy face. "Then what attribute i must add for now?" after thinking for a while. 'Oke, for now, I will add my strength first, add my point to Str,'


'This, I feel a little stronger I also tried to move my body for a moment to feel the difference. 'Yes, it's not an illusion, I really get stronger,' I spoke to myself with a happy face.

"You really like this meat, kid? your face looks really happy." Uncle said while seeing the expression on my face. "Ah? Yes, Uncle I really like this meat, hehe," I said while scratching my head. "Then that's great," Uncle said.

'Wait, now I can see my status but what about my skills?' I thought and remembered how I got the skill and how I used the skill. ' I can use my skill when I say it in my mind and do it, let's try say it in my mind.' 'Skill'


'There is,' for now I just have one skill and there is a bar in the back name of the skill 'So, I think I can upgrade my Lvl and skill Lvl if they got fill the bar," I was in disbelief with my hipotesis.

'My skills can increase if I do it continuously and my level increases if I eat beast meat. that's why uncle said to be the strong one of which is to eat beast meat. then uncle said that if we manage to kill monsters we will get some of the power they have and become ours, I think that will also give me experience points and increase my level.' I thought.

'Okay, I will think about it later because for now, I can't fight the beast yet, and it's time to go home' I said. "Uncle I will back to home, and I will come back tomorrow," I said. "Yeah, take care kid, thanks for today, and see you tomorrow," Uncle said. "See you, tomorrow uncle." I said and went home.