Chapter 11 uncle's self-made skill

After I finished my food, I leveled up again. "Every 1 kg of meat I eat gives me 10 exp points," Eventually I will understand how this system works.

Time to check my status, 'Status'


Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: None.

Level: 3 (0/10)

HP: 40/40

Energy: 20/20

Str: 5

Agi: 5

Vit: 4

Free attribute point: 1

Let's add tom y strength 'Add 1 to Str'

Great, now I'm getting stronger again. So I can acquire the skill by copying other people's movements and practicing until the bar is full. While my level can go up because I eat beast meat and every 1 kg of meat gives me 10 exp points.

Exp to go up to the next level is still the same, namely 10 exp. I only need to eat another 1 kg of meat to advance to the next level.

This is all thanks to uncle who was willing to give me beast meat to me. I can't disappoint uncle. I must enter the academy with the path of genius and become a great warrior.

I stood up "Uncle, I want to continue my practice, thank you very much for the food," and said to uncle. "Yes, have you got your punch skill?" uncle asked.

"Yes, I managed to get the punch skill before lunch," I replied.

"Good, now I will teach you the skills I got from watching level 2 warriors," the uncle said.

"Level 2 warriors? Have you ever met a level 2 warrior uncle?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, this incident was about 3 years ago." Uncle began to tell the story to me.

At that time the warrior team managed to hunt down the child of a level 2 Earth Bull beast and brought it to the village, while on the way the mother of the beasts came chasing the warrior team.

Because the child of the Earth Bull Beast was almost as large as its mother, the warriors asked the villagers to help bring the beast's corpse back to the village. Because the promised reward was very large for the villagers, they also agreed to do it. But that turned out to be disastrous, when the mother of the beast appeared he started massacring non-warrior villagers.

The mother of the beast child is a level 2 Beast, so a level 1 warrior is no match for her. All the warriors in the village went to help including me. But because we were only level 1 warriors and didn't have real warrior skills, we couldn't beat her.

In the end, the real Guardian of the village came out, and the rumor about that this village has a level 2 warrior is true. He came out wearing green armor all over his body and his face with a sword hanging from his waist. He really is the image of a real warrior.

The two of them began to fight, the level 2 warrior drew his sword from its scabbard after which his entire body and the sword he used were covered in a green aura.

He also moves very fast and agile to avoid attacks from the Earth Bull Beast. Earth Bull Beast as the name suggests is an Earth-type beast, so it has strong defense but is slow in terms of speed.

At that moment everyone was focused on the level 2 battle between humans and beasts. And I also paid attention to the footsteps used by the level 2 warrior.

"It's so elegant," I said and those moves stuck in my mind.

After about 1 hour of fighting, the warrior finally found the Earth Bull Beast's weak point and launched a deadly attack. "Azure Edge!!!" He swung his sword then a wave of wind-shaped like an edge shot out to the back of the Earth Bull Beast's head.


The Earth Bull Beast's head fell to the ground and separated from its body.

After that, he ordered the warriors to clean up the mess outside the village and he returned to the village carrying the corpse of the Earth Bull Beast.

"After that, he was never seen again" Uncle sighed and looked at me. "I wish you could be a warrior like him" and patted my head.

Uncle went to the backyard and I followed him. 'So that's the complete story of how the beast attack 3 years ago caused the death of my parents'

"Okay, now I will show you the skill that I learned from watching the level 2 warrior's movements." Uncle was standing in the middle of the courtyard, and I saw a white aura begin to move toward his feet.

"Avoid Step!" uncle seemed to step but like jumping and the distance he stepped from where he stood was about 3 meters and he moved towards the right quickly.

"This skill is very different from that a level 2 warrior uses, a level 2 warrior can move about 3 times in a row, while I can only do it once," Uncle said with a sigh.

"Now you try it"

I nodded. And starting to imitate what my uncle did, I tried to apply aura to my legs, but the aura didn't come out.

"Ahh. Uncle how do you channel aura?" I scratched my head.

"Hahaha, oh yeah I forgot you're not a warrior yet, so you can't manipulate your aura yet, huh, hahaha" Uncle laughed. 'so there is still a limit to this boy's talent apparently'

"Okay, for now, you forget about the skills earlier, you just focus on training your two skills so you can use them properly, I want to go back to the shop first". Uncle returned to his counter seat.

"Okay time to practice my skills" I tried to make Slash level 2 today and see what changes in the skill.

Slash! Fwosh... Slash! Fwosh... Slash! Fwosh...

After 3 hours of practicing Slash skill.


Hah Hah Hah

It's almost full to go to the next level. Well, it's getting late, I have to go home now.

"Uncle, I want to go home, thank you very much for today"

"Yes, you're welcome, be careful on the road and come here early tomorrow, I want to take you out of the village to check the trap you set that time"

"Out of the village? Ok, uncle tomorrow I will come early, see you tomorrow uncle"

"See you tomorrow"