Chapter 14 Absrobing Beast Core

I can already feel my aura flow little by little. The aura from the Beast Core began to flow into my dantian. My dantian is like a thirsty person because I have never felt an aura before and I have never paid attention to my dantian.

Right now my dantian feels warm and full of power, and now I haven't felt that my dantian is full or can't receive any more aura as uncle said.

Gradually I could feel the flow of aura from the Beast Core to my dantian without needing full of concentration. I also noticed the aura from the Beast Core began to be stored in my dantian and became mine.

'This kid, he can absorb all the aura from the Beast Core at once, warriors generally need 2 or 3 days to be able to absorb all the aura at the Beast Core that is at their level. This kid is talented became a warrior,' uncle was surprised with a face of disbelief but with a smile on his face.

I don't even know how long it took for me to absorb the aura from this Beast Core. Until finally I felt the aura from this Beast Core had run out because there was no more aura flowing into my dantian.

I opened my eyes after the aura from the Beast Core was exhausted.


When I opened my eyes, many notifications from the system appeared in my eyes. I leveled up 9 at a time, gaining attributes and learning skills. With an expression of disbelief, I saw this notification.

Uncle saw my strange expression "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your body?" the uncle asked in a worried tone 'Is it too fast for him to absorb the aura from the Beast Core?'

"No uncle, there's nothing wrong with my body, instead I feel better than before," I immediately stood up and said when I saw uncle's worried face.

"Thankfully then, so how does it feel to absorb a Beast Core?" Uncle asked about my experience scattering Beast Cores.

I explained to him, at first I couldn't control my aura, but thanks to uncle's help, I started to understand bit by bit. And when I'm used to it I can do it without full concentration and the aura from the Beast Core flows alone into my dantian.

Dantian when it has received aura from the Beast Core will absorb it by itself, so you don't need to concentrate too much when your dantian already knows you are absorbing aura from the Beast Core. Uncle explained to me.

"Okay, you try to adjust your body first, I'll go to the kitchen to cook the meat we hunt today," the uncle went to the kitchen.

After uncle went to the kitchen I checked my status.


Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: None.

Level: 12 (0/20)

HP: 130/130

Energy: 65/65

Str: 6

Agi: 6

Vit: 4

Free attribute point: 9

I gained 9 levels, now my level is 12. What attribute should I raise for now? I will be strong if I raise Str stats, Be faster when I raise Agi stats, and have a strong defense if I raise Vit stats.

I can't focus on just one attribute, because like uncle having strength is a good thing but speed is also important to launch or dodge attacks. Defense is also important if I can't dodge attacks.

For now, I'll split it into 2-1-1, so as not to focus too much on one attribute. All right 'Allocate free attribute points to 4 Str, 3 Agi, and 2 Vit'


This feeling, my body becomes lighter. I also tried to punch without using skills.


My fist is even stronger than using the skill before this. So attribute is very important, no less than skill. The stronger my attribute, the stronger my skills.


I can learn skills from absorbing the beast core's aura? Uncle never told me when absorbing Beast Core you can get skills.

The bar is only 10 out of 100 filled, meaning I need about 9 Beast Cores to get this skill. But the price for 1 Beast Core is around 1,000 Dollars, I have to spend 9,000 dollars if I want to get this skill.

And I don't have that kind of money. Huh... I sighed, let's put this skill aside first.

For now, I will continue to train my skills. With this much energy, it will also be faster for me to improve my skills.

Then I started practicing my Slash skill behind the shop.

'Slash' Fwosh... 'Slash' Fwosh... 'Slash' Fwosh...

After about half an hour I trained my Slash skill. All my energy was used up and the result is. Huh huh huh...


It's almost full, there's only a little left, but my energy regeneration still doesn't change, only 1 energy per 1 minute. To be able to fulfill my energy again, it took about 1 hour.

What can I do for an hour waiting for my energy to be full?

Because I can't practice my skills when my energy runs out. I also tried to control my aura, but to no avail I still can't control my aura like I absorbed the Core earlier.

After I had rested for about 30 minutes uncle called me for lunch.

We both ate the meat we hunted this morning. It didn't take long for me to finish my food and continue practicing in the backyard of the shop. Meanwhile, uncle returned to the shop to put today's game in his shop.


Finally what I was waiting for arrived.


What? still level 1, this skill can't be leveled up yet? Wait a minute, a new bar appears next to it.