Chapter 18 Kill The Beast

I attacked the Beast when he was down and exhausted. But when I had launched its attack, the Beast stood back up and attacked me with its hind legs.

I managed to hit his body and gave him a serious wound because he was bleeding quite a lot, he didn't take long to fall and it looked like he would die soon.

But just as I was hit by a direct hit from him without any defense, I was sent flying 5 meters and fell to the ground hard.


<-130 Hp>

I lost a lot of my HP from that attack and left only 10 of my HP, I think I will die if my HP becomes 0. Luckily the Beast was no longer breathing after my attack hit it.


Oh, so Battle Exp from killing Beast is bigger than practice with uncle. After getting the notification that I had killed the Beast, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I had better hide somewhere until uncle found me. I hid in the thick bushes.

Go to the place where Uncle and the other Beast are fighting.

"Damn" uncle saw Bobby who was being chased by a wounded Goat Beast. After that, he looked towards the Beast he was fighting. 'I have to kill this Beast quickly before that Beast kills him'.

This Goat Beast was much stronger compared to the other Goat Beasts I had fought before.

'Shit' I cursed in my heart, it's possible that this Beast is of the Uncommon category. No, if this Beast was in the Uncommon category when he attacked me earlier, I would definitely be seriously injured even though I had endured his attack because I'm not a warrior with a strong defense.

We both move each other little by little and pay attention to each other. We strengthened each other's aura all over our bodies, and sure enough the aura this Goat Beast had was thicker than ordinary Goat Beasts.

It looks like this Beast will be included in the Uncommon category soon. This is going to be a long fight, let's hope Bobby can last long enough.

I can't waste much of my time. I also ran towards it and attacked it from the front with my sword that was below to perform a slash from the bottom up, because if the attack was from above down the Beast would easily block my attack with its horns.

But this Beast knew I would be slashing from the ground up, so he slightly lowered his head to butt my blade against his horns.


Both of us did not want to give in and endured the attacks we launched. Because neither of us wanted to give in and competed with the other, it turned out that my strength was slightly weaker than his.


My attack had been deflected to the right by him, and I was in an exposed stance and unable to defend myself with my sword. Knowing that I was in an exposed position and could be attacked by him, he attacked me with his hind legs.

Seeing that I immediately used the skill 'Avoid Step' to jump up and avoid his attack. Seeing that its attack was missed, the Beast reversed its body with its front legs then when its hind legs touched the ground it jumped towards me who was above it, and hit me with its horns which were already covered in the aura.

I also prepared to face the attack by swinging my sword towards the Beast's horns, even though I knew I would lose if I had a power struggle with it. But there was no other choice because if I didn't clash my sword against its horns I would get hit by its horns because I couldn't use Avoid Step in the air.


Because my position was in the air and I couldn't make a stance for the attack I launched, the power of my attack was weaker than my previous attack, so the attack from the Beast made me bounce and hit the tree behind me.


I was bleeding from my mouth because of the impact of my body with that tree. Seeing that I was in a bad condition, the Beast ran towards me again.

"Shit!" I stood up and took a stance to face the Beast. The beast began to gather aura on its horns to attack me.

When the Beast got closer to me, 10 meters... 8 meters... 4 meters... 2 meters... 1 meter... 'Avoid Step' I also used Avoid Step to the right to avoid the Beast's attack.


The beast also crashed into a tree behind me, fortunately, the trees in this forest are very tough unlike the trees in the village you can cut easily. So that the horns of the Goat Beast get stuck in the tree and cannot be separated from the tree temporarily.

This is my chance, seeing this I immediately attacked the neck of the Beast with all my might to end his life.

"Die You, Bastard"




The Beast's head was still stuck in the tree, but his body fell to the ground with blood flowing out of the Beast's head and body.


"Hah hah hah... What a troublesome beast" I said while exhausted. I also pulled the Beast's head from the tree and split it to take the Beast's Core.

"Hopefully Bobby is still alive" I immediately ran towards Bobby running.

Luckily the Beast was injured so he left a trail of blood, so I can follow the trail.

After a few minutes, I saw the Beast lying on the ground with a slash wound on its body. I looked around and didn't see Bobby or his body.

"Bobby! Bobby!" I called his name while looking around me.

Back to where Bobby is.

"Hah Hah…" I was hiding behind the bushes around the corpse of the Beast I killed.

Uncle hasn't arrived yet, it seems the Beast he's facing this time is stronger than before. I'm still waiting for uncle while restoring my Hp, which is only 10 left.

After a few minutes I heard something approaching and I held my breath and didn't make a sound.

DEG DEG... DEG DEG... DEG DEG... My heart sounds louder now.

Finally, the sound of the footsteps arrived at the location of the Beast's body. But I dared not move and look.

"Bobby! Bobby!"

I heard someone calling me and I thought it was uncle's voice. I ventured to look in the direction of the voice and sure enough, it was uncle's voice.

The current uncle had bloodstains on his face, armor and sword. Uncle did not put his sword into the scabbard.

After I found out it was uncle, I came out of my hiding place.

"Who is there?" Uncle pointed his sword at me in a wary manner.

"Relax uncle, it's me Bobby" I came out of the bushes and smiled at him.

"Ah... Thank God you're still safe" uncle ran towards me and hugged me.